How long does it take to drop fat?


New member
I know that this is a question with no exact answer but I have to ask because I'm getting impatient.

Here's my story:

41 years old 5'10" started training in January 2003 after not touching a weight since high school. In April I went to a trainer and had my bf% checked with calipers. I weighed 234 and I was at 23%.

I've been going back and having it checked once month since then. Right now I weigh 240 and the bf is 14%.

Since April I've averaged 60 grams of carbs a day, around 200 grams of protein a day and as little fat as possible. I wll carb up a little (150 grams) on leg and back days. I'm doing 30 minutes of cardio (stairmaster) 3 or 4 times a week.

Is this decent progress? I'd like to get the bf down below 10%.

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

notbigenuff said:

Is this decent progress? I'd like to get the bf down below 10%.


No it's not's awesome !!

Those are some simply amazing changes in bf%, especially considering us older guys have a harder time dropping bf. If you keep it up at even half that pace, you reach your goal in no time.

Losing fat gets harder as you go. I see you take in as little fat as possible, but supplementing with fish or flax oil (something rich in Omega 3's) will actually help you lose that fat quicker and make better use of it when burnt.
Yeah man those r some nice changes as far as bf% goes..

I wouldnt be impatient if i where u id be really happy that my body reacted nicely to the kind of diet im giving it.......
Yeah bro...240 at 14% means you def have some decent mass on you...Keep up the hard work amd dont get impatient..Your doin great