How long is too long?


Turns out I'm going to be out until sometime 2013 for my torn achilles. By then, it may be too late to catch up to my competition in skill level and I may not even want to do gymnastics anymore. This injury was NOT due to weight lifting or from the use of steroids. It was a chronic injury I did not allow to heal due to competition season. Really regretting it now, especially since 2nd place might as well be last to me even if it is a national title. I'm not one of those lazy guys who sit around and get fat and depressed when injury happens, so I'm going to bulk up. I'm getting enough for 30 weeks of test cyp/eq and 12 weeks of NPP. Have post cycle therapy (pct) and hcg already set aside and ready. I don't need this much gear, it just comes with the deal (sweet deal! only paying around $400 for all of this), but it does raise questions. How long is too long for a cycle like this, and why is my source so nice to me? Is he gay and have a crush on me or something and going to ruffie my gear? As of now I plan on doing this cycle for a minimum of 16 weeks at 800mg of test cyp/week and 800mg of eq/week with the 600mg/NPP for 8-10 weeks. This would be my 5th cycle for anyone wondering, and starting probably around mid-November. I've heard several complications related to eq, massive raises in RBC count that can be painful (??), hypertension, ect. Would doing a 16-20 week cycle of test cyp/eq be too much? No experience with eq. Any advice or criticism would be helpful.
dosages are too high on all of it. 500mg of test cyp is enough. more doesnt mean more research. 16-20 weeks is fine but u cant jump back on as soon. im not a fan of eq.
dosages are too high on all of it. 500mg of test cyp is enough. more doesnt mean more research. 16-20 weeks is fine but u cant jump back on as soon. im not a fan of eq.

I have no problem with 500mg of test cyp/week. Actually probably going to cut the eq down to 600mg/week and lower the NPP dose as well. Thanks for the input.
I wouldnt run eq that high because of the raises in rbc..What's your weight? I'm assuming you stay pretty lean for gymnastics so I would keep it closer to test@600, eq@400, npp@400. NPP for 10-12weeks, EQ 14-16weeks, test for 18weeks.

Well I just got off this crazy vegan diet my coach had me on (long story...) so I'm starting to gain weight again. Beef and chicken have never tasted so good. As of now I'm 5'8, 192 lbs. and for sure under 10% bodyfat. I cannot practice any skills for several months. It will all be conditioning and flexibility training, with maybe some minor rings work here and there. I do not mind bulking up anymore since I will be out for so long, possibly retiring. As I get older I drift more and more away from gymnastics and into weight lifting. It's fun and I love it, but I'm just getting too old for it, my joints hurt, and I'm never going to the Olympics or anything. The heaviest I've ever been is 202 lbs. (ermergerd...trenbolone!!). You think only 400mg/week of eq is fine? I do plan on running for 16-20 weeks.
I personally believe 6 months is the longest any single cycle should last (I.e. 24 weeks). I wouldn't wanna take any chances staying on longer than half a year if I plan on ever recovering
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EQ at 400mg did good work to me. Run the EQ nothing short of 14wks the gains are slow an steady...real slow.

Get some blood work done too if your going to do a long run like 20wks. Especially because of the EQ
EQ at 400mg did good work to me. Run the EQ nothing short of 14wks the gains are slow an steady...real slow.

Get some blood work done too if your going to do a long run like 20wks. Especially because of the EQ

Lots of people who have taken EQ talk about donating blood. Can it really get that bad?
Don't answer that. I'm laughing my ass off imagining what it would be like to feel like you have too much blood in your body. Talk about a bad trip..
You could google about the blood part, doesnt sound funny. Your blood thickens could cause a heart attack or other fatal stuff. Never exp it jus have read about it, serious stuff
You could google about the blood part, doesnt sound funny. Your blood thickens could cause a heart attack or other fatal stuff. Never exp it jus have read about it, serious stuff

I did some research on the subject. Found a story about a guy suspecting he had a blood clot and blacking out twice in his sleep (arf??). Many people do suggest donating blood if it does become an issue. I'm assuming the increase in RBC is much more pronounced with EQ than other AAS and in part responsible for it's anabolic properties. If so, would getting rid of these RBCs not hinder your gains? And if this seems to be a problem with your body while taking EQ, you just should find another AAS? By all means, I don't want to do something that could be detrimental to my health, so I think I will start with 400mg/eq and see how my body reacts to this new substance I've introduced it to.
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I did some research on the subject. Found a story about a guy suspecting he had a blood clot and blacking out twice in his sleep (arf??). Many people do suggest donating blood if it does become an issue. I'm assuming the increase in RBC is much more pronounced with EQ than other AAS and in part responsible for it's anabolic properties. If so, would getting rid of these RBCs not hinder your gains? And if this seems to be a problem with your body while taking EQ, you just should find another AAS? By all means, I don't want to do something that could be detrimental to my health, so I think I will start with 400mg/eq and see how my body reacts to this new substance I've introduced it to.

Just curious, whats your cycle plan looking like?