how long to lose 28% BF?

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New member
Yeah not good! If my diet is clean and macros are in order just wondering with lifting and cardio when can I see this be gone? When going for gms per lb for protien should be lean body mass coorrect
i was 22% bf at the end of my bulk, now im like 9% or 10% , if i were so strict whit the cardio and diet that would take me like 3-4 weeks, for you can take you like 4-6 weeks

but do your cardio , 40 mins everyday its enough and low the carbs to only before and after training,and in the other foods just eat protein/fibrous carbs, eat like 8 times a day, remove the sodium and consome shits, thats all , no shortcuts its like that..:)
Yeah not good! If my diet is clean and macros are in order just wondering with lifting and cardio when can I see this be gone? When going for gms per lb for protien should be lean body mass coorrect

Yes, your protein intake should be taken from your lean body mass.

28% is a lot to lose, but thats not to say you cant. With your diet in check and continuing with lifting and cardio, you'll see progress.

Keep a journal of your weight/measurements/lifts/diet everything. I notice when I start trying to lose fat, I get extremely impatient without having some kind of journal to see my progress on. Keep at it bro, we all gonna make it.
i was 22% bf at the end of my bulk, now im like 9% or 10% , if i were so strict whit the cardio and diet that would take me like 3-4 weeks, for you can take you like 4-6 weeks

but do your cardio , 40 mins everyday its enough and low the carbs to only before and after training,and in the other foods just eat protein/fibrous carbs, eat like 8 times a day, remove the sodium and consome shits, thats all , no shortcuts its like that..:)

4-6 week to go down from 28% to 10-12% is not easy, maybe if u want to drink just water .but , also, theres a few dudes who can do that! i don`t think i can do this.maybe in 10 weeks or i`m 15% BF, and trying to lose some
i was 22% bf at the end of my bulk, now im like 9% or 10% , if i were so strict whit the cardio and diet that would take me like 3-4 weeks,

I call this bullshitting ..
So u went from 22% to 9% in 3 weeks.
3j could learn from you.
Get real man, people here are experienced, and that crap u feeding people won't work out at this site.
i was 22% bf at the end of my bulk, now im like 9% or 10% , if i were so strict whit the cardio and diet that would take me like 3-4 weeks, for you can take you like 4-6 weeks

seriously guy...that would be near impossible if you only weighed 100lb that would be a 14lb loss in 3-4 weeks gtfoh with that crap.

To the OP it will take you a good deal of time to accomplish that much of a decrease. My suggestion would be to contact 3J and get a diet done for you..Man has mad skill...took me down 38lb in 3 months now bulking with him.