how many cans of tuna and eggs do you eat in a day


New member
me i have about 10 cans of tuna ..... put them in my blender along with a few eggs and a ornge and whipp it .there is my tuna for the day
that sounds just awefull, damn. I eat 2-3 cans of tuna a day and a dozen jumbo egg whites, but I'm also on a contest diet
about 4-5 cans of tuna a day. 2-3 protein shakes, and food. As long as i am over 300g of protein a day, i am happy.
Bro that has got to be the nastiest shake I have ever heard of........DAMN!!!!!!!!!!. I'll stick to the original oil/vinegar/ tuna on pita, thank you............I try to get at least 300g protein a day. 66 grams of which come from canned tuna...............
ok if i get my protein up over 200 me beinging 227pnds......... does that mean i still have to have my cal over 5000 per day .......if so how and the fuck am i going to do that lol
5000 cal a day is alot man. Your protein should definitly be over 200g though. Otherwise the size you will be gaining wil be beef, not muscle.
Only cuz my job allows me to do this:

4 Big cans of tuna, you know the ones, 65g protein per.
dozens eggs
1lb hamburger meat cooked on forman
2-4 shakes.
around half my calories come from protien.
lots of veggies and enzymes to help digest.
6 egg whites per day in morning, and tuna is grose so I dont eat it.

Turkey, fish, and somtimes chicken, pro shakes, soy products, nuts and a few other million things for protein that I eat. Red meat is worthless to me, too much cholesterol anyway.