How many carbs to cut with out loosing to much muscle with no AS


New member
im naturall right now exept for albuterol which i use only when i run to give me energy cause i have none ever, and i take adderal for school. Im also using creatine ethyl ester and taurine.

Im trying to clean up my diet and just go for a lean less massy look. How many carbs per pounds of body weight should i shoot for, coming only from oats and brown rice. Also does this include the dextrose in my post work out shake and also how much dextrose should i use.

also if i work out at night my dextrose should be my last carbs correct.
ran_azrad said:
ther is a formula thats not exactly correct.
and its depends in your weight.
you should to subtract 5 calorie(one carb=4 calories) each one kilo (not lb).
if you wanna keep your muscles as many as you can so try not to go down from 500 calories otherwise your body will enter to stress n' start to produce CORTISOL (it is a catabolic hormone in case u didnt know), and you will get down in your muscles.
ran_azrad said:
ther is a formula thats not exactly correct.
and its depends in your weight.
you should to subtract 5 calorie(one carb=4 calories) each one kilo (not lb).
if you wanna keep your muscles as many as you can so try not to go down from 500 calories otherwise your body will enter to stress n' start to produce CORTISOL (it is a catabolic hormone in case u didnt know), and you will get down in your muscles.
I see what your getting at - carbs only coming from those two sources may be a bad idea however. Add a whole fruit in the morning and a veggie w/dinner. Got to get some nutrients. 40/40/20 is usually the lowest you need to go to get down to a maintainably low bf%. You cut more carbs than that and you may start to suffer in your workouts. As for last meal of the day - stick to a solid protein and veggie. Whey protein is a hits the system very quickly - when cutting I feel it best to not have a shake before bed.