How many g dextrose for postwrkout ?


New member
How many g dextrose should be consumed after workout. I'm wondering if 50g dex = 50 carbs...since the dex. is already pure and a simple sugar.

I'm focused on gaining (slow but constant) lean muscle, not just mass. What serving range is recommended if I'm under 200lbs
I'll be adding 50 g whey iso. and creatine.

Also, any website that offers Maltodex. instead of dex?
Here's what I would recommend:

During workout:

0.4g/kg LBM BCAAs

12-72 reps per workout - 0.400g/Kg of LBM
73-200 reps per workout - 0.533g/kg of LBM
200-360 reps per workout - 0.666g/kg of LBM
360-450 reps per workout – 0.800g/kg of LBM


0.6g/kg LBM

12-72 reps per workout - 0.600g/Kg of LBM
73-200 reps per workout - 0.800g/kg of LBM
200-360 reps per workout – 1.000g/kg of LBM
360-450 reps per workout – 1.200g/kg of LBM

Here is maltodextrin, although I've never shopped for it so I don't know prices:
It really depends on the degree of insulin sensitivity you exhibit. My pwo shakes are dependant soley on my goals, pre workout diet and the way I feel. Basically shoot for 50-100g dex/malto and 50-75g whey. There are so many variables though, and this isnt rocket science.