How many lbs fat judging from pic to get 10% bf

lol oh man zyzz.. all his mirrors stopped at his waist and he forgot he had legs to work on also.. why would you emulate that numpty? The guy's about as aesthetic as a diaper full of poo. Enjoy your hair loss and ED OP..
im interested to here about the not training to failure and understanding how to stimulate MPS and MPB?
also yes i have set out a very detailed diet plan with my macros and i count every calorie so i know adjactly every day that i am eating enough to grow.

also 8.4lbs in 3 weeks 2 days alot of that is muscle, i have had a few comments at work saying i look alot bigger and broader, got another 4 weeks 6 days

An 8-wk linear periodized concurrent strength and endurance training program using a moderate number of repetitions not to failure (4NRF group) provides a favorable environment for achieving greater enhancements in strength, muscle power, and rowing performance when compared with higher training volumes of repetitions to failure in experienced highly trained rowers.

Theres too much to talk about, because everything you do affects MPS and MPB
Here are a couple of studies.

Leucine affecting muscle protein systhesis and muscle protein breakdown at a fasted state.
(MPS and MPB decreases while fasted until leucine is consumed)

Why it is better to stimulate each muscle over once a week.
(MPS is stimulated for only 36 hours)

What does testosterone actually do to you?
(Testosterone increases muscle by increasing MPS [27% average])

You can pretty continue forever, it is the basic of building muscle,
Everyone does it, but no one wonders why and how?

Of course when you're under the influence of AAS MPS is increased and therefore the information will be slightly skewed.

And I know 8lbs in that time frame is a lot of muscle, and I'm not encouraging you to continue, I'm encouraging you to do research.

And if anything, I'm trying for you to not using DNP.
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Can't wait to start 12 day dnp cycle in 19 days time.

1-1 (250mg)
2-1 (250mg)
3-1 (250mg)
4-2 (500mg)
5-2 (500mg)
6-2 (500mg)
7--2 (500mg)
8-2 (500mg)
9-2 (500mg)
10-2 (500mg)
11-2 (500mg)
12-2 (500mg)

Although its first time using ill stick to 250mg.

Hopefully loose a few % bf , then I start prop and tren a for 8 weeks then start post cycle therapy (pct) then one more 12 day dnp cycle to get to 8 % bf

Then go to uni a shredded sickkunt
Can we ban this kid.. it's a thread of trolling and the good info that everyone takes time to offer is ignored and/or abused. He's not here for help, he's not here to learn, nor is he here offering up anything worthwhile.. telling you my cycles , you think I'm trolling because you hate the fact I'm 18 and on gear.
2. I'm not advising anyone I'm 18 and new to this.
3.only advice I get is bullshit and scare tactics of course I'm not going to take it , on the other hand if you changed your attitude and come to terms that I'm doing gear and want to talk about the dnp cycle I posted then I would be happy to talk about it in a sensible manor.
That's why u need to wait a few more years to do gear. Your still immature and act like a baby. U can't understand grown ups and have an adult conversation. Considering u were given great advice, your an idiot for not listening.. that's why it is important not to use gear at that age. Your just too ignorant for your own good!