How many ML. is to much in glutes- ventro- delts etc.


New member
I'm sure this topic has been covered but would love some bro knowledge on this. I love using delts but not sure if 2 ml is to much in that muscle group or not? I do rotate right delt left ventro and so on just wanted to know how much oil is tolerated in what groups.
There are specific amounts for each group according to medical professionals that shouldnt be exceeded. But over time your muscles will adapt and be able to handle more. Ive put 5 in ventro.
So 2 ml should still be fine in delts? Doing 1.5 like a champ and have no pip or swelling for weeks. Just trying to gain some knowledge
You'll know if it's too much as there will be pain from the pressure caused by so much oil. My delts take 5ml no problem, but I've been pinning them for quite some time. Glutes being a larger muscle can handle quite a bit, but ventroglutes tend (IME) to be a bit more finicky with higher volumes. Then again, as Schredder stated - your muscles adapt.

My .02c :)
You'll know if it's too much as there will be pain from the pressure caused by so much oil. My delts take 5ml no problem, but I've been pinning them for quite some time. Glutes being a larger muscle can handle quite a bit, but ventroglutes tend (IME) to be a bit more finicky with higher volumes. Then again, as Schredder stated - your muscles adapt.

My .02c :)

5 ml in your delts.. you big fucker!!! lol...

my shoulders would blow up like water balloons with that much juice pumped into them
Those medical recommendations are as much about comfort level/pain tolerance of patients for healthcare workers. As others have said, what you can tolerate is what you should do. Up to a point of course. 5cc in a delt good god man!
5 ml in your delts.. you big fucker!!! lol...

my shoulders would blow up like water balloons with that much juice pumped into them

LOL oath!! I stuffed 3ml into my delt not too long ago - fucking leaked out subq everywhere, stung like a bitch all over my shoulder and across the bicep for days haha. Not entirely sure if it was a volume or depth issue, but not keen on trying that again!
LOL oath!! I stuffed 3ml into my delt not too long ago - fucking leaked out subq everywhere, stung like a bitch all over my shoulder and across the bicep for days haha. Not entirely sure if it was a volume or depth issue, but not keen on trying that again!

D'oh! Yeah, I've experienced that before trying to stuff 4ml into a VG. Just didn't want to stay in there and ached for a good day. I guess I need to do more atg squats lol.