How much additional Milk Thistle w/ a Methyl 1-D Cycle?


New member
Hey all, I'm about to do the typical "cutting" cycle from LG Sciences with their Methyl 1-D, Speed, Nitros and then follow it up w/ 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) w/ LG's Formadrol. Here's the link to the cycle.

Anyway, my question is this, how much additional Milk thistle should I take on cycle for liver protection adn when should I take it? I know the Methyl 1-D has Milk Thistle and Hawthorne Berry built in but I'd rather be safe about it.

Thanks in advance!

Oh, would you all be interested in a Journal or log of somekind? This is my first try at a supplement other that protein, CEE, or any of the other typical OTC stuff.
great, thanks bud. Is that 700-1000mg's daily? any special time I should take it? I'm cutrrently drinking about 1 gal of water daily, I was going to up that to 1.5-2. basically, I'll be pissing all day lol. I'm definitley doing a 300 test e cycle after this but I sort of wanted to see how I react to this first. I know it's not the same but other than regular supps and OTC stuff, this is my first jump into the real word.
Daily, Spread it out if you can. However some guys on the board swear by 1000mg time-release form. Im sure you can google it.