How much is to much...........

That would be the max for delts. There's so many other spots you could jab that hold so much more. The glutes, medial glute, and quads are my favorites. I just Jab b12 in my delts...
You hear a million different opinions. From what medical teachings say. 2cc is max. But, i believe a guy could put more depending on the size of his delts. I can do 3 in mine. Id just pop a jab in the glutes or quads if you want to do a higher volume for now man.
You hear a million different opinions. From what medical teachings say. 2cc is max. But, i believe a guy could put more depending on the size of his delts. I can do 3 in mine. Id just pop a jab in the glutes or quads if you want to do a higher volume for now man.

Now I'm curious lol, what actually happens if you inject too much? Just extreme pip or muscle damage or something?
I have done 3ml in mine and my Delts are not huge. It hurts for a bit but it goes away in a few hours.

As others have said, make sure you are rotating spots. You could also consider pinning more frequently to bring the injection volume down.
I've put as much as 5cc in one site a lot.

1 cc b12
1cc tren
1cc prop
2cc test enanth

I pin 4 or 5 cc's every time I pin. Side note I'm 273 lbs. So a 4-5 cc injection isn't visible.
I've put as much as 5cc in one site a lot.

1 cc b12
1cc tren
1cc prop
2cc test enanth

I pin 4 or 5 cc's every time I pin. Side note I'm 273 lbs. So a 4-5 cc injection isn't visible.

Same. Although at 5ml it does feel a little uncomfortable for a few minutes. Most guidelines are due to patient comfort, not because their delts are going to explode. :wiggle:
I noticed gear leaks out of my delts if its more than 1CC... i remember i pinned 3CC one time on my right delt. Blood and gear spewed out from one side of my room to the other, it was like a horror movie when someone gets slashed on their throat. Had a lump for a few hours. Thats about it. I thought I was going to die right then and there.
My TRT dose is 1000mg/4ml - the doc said that the glutes are realistically the only safe area to pin this amount of volume without harm... (he didn't state what he meant by 'harm')

Yes, he's just a doc, but it kinda make sense to keep the small volume pins to the delts, and the larger volume pins to the larger muscle groups.

Just logical really!