How much is too much?


motivationally challenged
I hate talkin about myself but I need to create a little backdrop so any reponse may pertain to me as well as others...

Male-26yrs-205lbs A lazy piece of shit did I used to be.hahaha. Last year I was injured in a car wreck and banged my head pretty good. Lost alot of memory and so forth. Docs say that I'm good to go now. But my personality has changed dramatically. Over the past year of rehab I have lost 80lbs. My friends and family all say that I'm not the same. They are all fat and lazy and eat feces rolled in sugar deepfried in crisco(Talk about a cheat meal!!) I have changed my diet and started exercising. Wanted to do a cycle of steroids because thats the 'Fad" right now. I got a little smarter after reading stuff from here the past couple of months and I now know that I would need to wait a few years until I reach my genetic potential.

Questions are as follwed:

For those that have experimented for years w/supps and vitamins- If you had to start at SQUARE ONE again, what would you supplement with?

How much is too much? As in, I see that there is tons of shit out there for every possible chemical reaction in the body wtf? what do I need?(open ended question)

Suppose I were taking:

E,C, Multi, fish oil, Glucosamine/Chrondo, Shark cartiladge, L-glutamine, L-arginine, taurine, B6 or B-multi, HMB, R-ala, BCAA, Carnisine(sp?)

What the hell would all of that do to my liver and kidneys? Can it actually be healthy? Should I just throw in a little milk thistle and go at it?

Can regulating the intake of these supps on a schedule of a few days taking and then a few days off in various combos pose less risk(if there is any) or increase or decrease effectivenenss? or just mess up the chemical regulation in my body?

Thanks in advance for any responders. Also, sorry for being a friggin idiot, but I hit my head a bit hard once :insane2:
depends on what you need the supps for. if you have certain condition(s)/problem(s)/goal(s) then there are certain supps that are aimed at it/them. for example ZMA, valerian root, melatonin can all be beneficial for people with sleep issues, but if you dont have sleep issues, why bother. although in the case of ZMA, Zinc and magnesium can be good to supplement with regardless.

if youre just looking at general health/fitness/wellbeing, and im guessing bodycomposition/strength from the mention of steroids, i would recommend:

multi vitamin
fish oil
possibly a protein powder if meeting protein requirements is ever an issue. this is by no means necessary or better than just eating food.

these are the basics.

MSM, glucosamine/chondro can be beneficial if you suspect you need them.
shark cartilige ive never looked into but ive never heard anything outstanding about it, glutamine you can do without unless you maybe have immune issues or do endurance training.
taurine is cheap and beneficial, but wouldnt classify it as necessary.
no real need for b complex if youre taking a multi
hmb is bunk
r ala, not cost-effective enough to even bother
bcaas are not necessary by any stretch of the imagination. just eat enough protein.
alcar - bleh

here is a post by Lyle Mcdonald on the subject (quoted by HunkyGuyNycity)
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Save money...multi-vitamin, creatine (whichever kind suits you best), and protiens. Most all the other shit out there is a waste. Work hard, eat alot, will grow mass.
Thanks guys! Appreciate the feedback! I guess I am just trying to 'cover up' 25 years of being unhealthy and lazy. Gotta' get that stuff outta' me-- One thing in particular I am looking for is something that will lessen the potential for lung cancer other than stop smoking.--Did it, and it has worked well.

I have read(srry, dunno where) that Vit-A over 3500iu a day can actually reverse damage in lungs. But it was also suggested that it increased the chance of lung cancer in smokers at the same dose. This coming from the same study.

*My thoughts on hmb were the same. as well as most of the others.

I'll make sure I get my antiox' in but I just don't want to do damage to myself until I can afford it(physically, not financially).

All in all, I am trying to optimize every advantage I can get ahold of so I can get in shape as quickly as possible(Isn't everyone), but safely. I know there is no replacement for dilligence and hard work and good eating. But a little edge cnat hurt to bad.

That hit on my head kinda' skewed my memory a little and I remember myslef as always being in shape, but I look at my pictures and they lie to me.hehehe
Imagine waking up 100lbs fatter than you had "always' remembered. No muscle, no endurance. It sucked, but at least I made it back to 'average'
stoppin smoking is the best thing you personally could have done.

other than that, eat fruits and veggies, exercise, blah blah blah. you die eventually.

regarding the vit. 3 lung cancer issue, id check out the other board i linked you to.
oh yeah... for the record, I'm not really insane. My issues aren't really serious, I just want to learn so I can make the most informed decision as to where I want to steer my genetics. Alas I have awoken
smoking is pure evil to a body. It makes 25 year old girls look like they are 35.