How much of my gains will I lose after stopping a steroid cycle?


New member
Hi All:

I'm going to do a ten week cycle of t-400 of 1.5mg a week and I'll also be taking 5mg arimidex daily, I know I won't be able to keep all the gains I made while on the cycle, but I'm wondering if I'll lose over around 50%

With Regards
Gains kept post cycle are dependent on many factors diet, training, propper pct, genetics..... its hard to say u will keep this % of your gains. Just keep your intensity high, up calorie intake some and u will be fine. Remember u have more than u started with.
i would say with good pct'ing and a change up from ur regular training i would be lucky to only loss 2kgs but realistically i would 4 with good pct'ing
I finished my first cycle 1 month ago (test-E + Dbol) and I was 220 lbs and now 215.6 lbs but I can go up too 220lbs if I eat more, it depends how you eat !