How much sleep are you getting ?


New member
Quick question for those who pump iron!

Do you get the average 8 hours? Because i surly need more lmao! around 11 hours I sleep!
not a bad thing, i wish i could sleep for 8 hours. All i no is my test levels are right up thier i wake up with srs wood .
I feel like crap if I dont get at least 7 hours sleep. My workouts the next day suffer if I dont sleep well.

I shoot for 8 to 10 hours a night. My problem is Im a light sleeper so Im constantly waking up in the middle of the night.

Im taking a warm magnesium drink along with a handful of walnuts before bed. Also take a melotonin pill to help me get to sleep quick.
I seem to need 9 hours. Any morning I don't have to set an alarm, I wake up almost exactly 9 hours after falling asleep
Get some dsip (delta sleep inducing peptide) works like a charm for good, deep rem sleep. I wake up ready to go. Doesn't take much either so the vial lasts a long time.
I usually get 6 to 7, sometimes 5, but it is usually always good deep sleep so even at 5 hours I still wake up refreshed and ready to work out in the morning. If I sleep much more than 7 hours I wake up starving and feel dehydrated. I usually try to eat dinner fairly close to the time I go to bed, and I down a bunch of water and have a snack right before I crawl into bed to help for my workouts in the morning.
I try to get 8 hours a night, but I have an early morning job 5 days a week and several small children who wake up at around 7 am on Sat/Sun.
Quick question for those who pump iron!

Do you get the average 8 hours? Because i surly need more lmao! around 11 hours I sleep!

Can't agree more there... I think I definitely need more than 8... I look at sleep like I look at supplement facts on the back of food labels... 100% daily requirement may not be the 100% daily requirement for you.. a 100lb. girl vs a 250lb male have way different nutritional requirements.. same with sleep... a sedentary male vs a male that is very active would surely require more sleep and probably more intake of nutrients.. I hope that makes sense lol.
I have to tuck my bone cone into my waistband at work! I'm fully torqued all day!!!

if you turn it upside down the blood flows down - thats the old adage i believe

dude I never get enough fucking sleep... I'm used to being in a time zone far away and now I am still working east coast hours at the moment so I'm up before 4 and never to bed before 11 FML

On the weekends i do catchup and sleep 10hrs min/night

this horrid schedule will have to change once I'm back on the gear
Not enough for sure...lucky if I get 6 hours. I am planning on sleeping in tomorrow, hopefully get 8-10 or so, do some catching up.

The other problem is I need a new mattress BADLY!!!
Anyone else work third shift? Man it sucks! The worst part is with my sched I don't get to sleep at the same time each day. I work nights but also own a business with my wife and sometimes i get home in the morning and stay up till after noon and some days I have to get right home and get to Bed by 9 AM. Usually I get about 7hrs a day. Summer is the worst trying to sleep durring the day, cuz the birds are chirping people are mowing kids are outside hollering, and you know it's beautiful out and your going to sleep away the day.
Anyone else work third shift? Man it sucks! The worst part is with my sched I don't get to sleep at the same time each day. I work nights but also own a business with my wife and sometimes i get home in the morning and stay up till after noon and some days I have to get right home and get to Bed by 9 AM. Usually I get about 7hrs a day. Summer is the worst trying to sleep durring the day, cuz the birds are chirping people are mowing kids are outside hollering, and you know it's beautiful out and your going to sleep away the day.

Ive worked nights for a while, and it sucks, messes up your whole sleeping cycle and always leaves you tired, hang in there bro.