how old to start a cycle

22 minimum. You have a good four years still. If you're 18, your natty test levels are soaring so you should be able to easily put on mass. If not, you need to check your diet and/or training.
eat until you puke. 2x ur bodyweight in protien daily, and cals like its ur job, 3500 a day is minnnt, water too, protien can do a # on ur kidneys
i started when i was 18 and got amazing gains and i loved it. been doin it ever since and i haven't had anything bad happen to me yet
most people will say wait but i no a million people who started at 18 my advice is if u are gonna do it run test at 500 mg's for ure first time around :insane2:
crushershockey said:
i started when i was 18 and got amazing gains and i loved it. been doin it ever since and i haven't had anything bad happen to me yet

jl1112 said:
most people will say wait but i no a million people who started at 18 my advice is if u are gonna do it run test at 500 mg's for ure first time around

We used to ALWAYS have some smart people on here w/ good advice.. not even a year ago.. now half the time I read on here its this shit..

We all know the chances are the guy isn't going to wait until he's 21-22 but you could at least encourage it.
it makes no sense y everyone is so worried about peoples age and shit if someones gonna do it there gonna do it its not even as big a deal as everyone on here makes it out to be so RELAX
jl1112 said:
it makes no sense y everyone is so worried about peoples age and shit if someones gonna do it there gonna do it its not even as big a deal as everyone on here makes it out to be so RELAX

But that is where you are WRONG. The purpose of these forums is to educate and keep people safe, not to encourage teenagers to be doing AAS.
jl1112 said:
it makes no sense y everyone is so worried about peoples age and shit if someones gonna do it there gonna do it its not even as big a deal as everyone on here makes it out to be so RELAX
Where did he say that he was 'going to do it'?

You act like people cannot control themselves.

We've educated many young guys that visited this forum to think better than to do a cycle and many of them have listened and taken our advice. Go figure!
i think u guys need to chill the fuck out i mean afterall it is a steroid forum where i thoughtr the subject was steroids but i guess not.I personally and im not trying to sound ignorant because ive read thousands of posts about it dont really see the big deal in waiting from age 18 to 21 or even 25 i know u can reach a natural max but it still wont be much in comparison just my opinion but whatever
jl1112, the point in waiting until your mid-20s (at least) until starting steroid usage is not so you can 'reach your genetic max' but rather so that you can be confident your body is fully developed. While your growth plates may be closed by 21 (but probably aren't) you still have your endocrine system that isn't finished developing and all sorts of other things. If you start using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) before this point, you could do all sorts of bad things to yourself. It's better to play it safe and just wait a little while.
And just because you don't grow a third nipple or shit your liver out, there's a lot of untold internal damage that could be going on. Especially with a system so delicate as the endocrine. You might have a problem you won't find out about untill your 40 and decide to have kids.
And yes we all know people do what they want to do, the point being we are here to tell them what is best to do.