How to cut some BF without losing muscle....


Gear Rookie...
hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster.

Over the past 4 years or so, I've dropped about 80 lbs's of body fat, and im getting stuck on the last 20 or so.

I figured this would happen, but no matter how much running i do, it dosent want to go away.

I'm pretty sure this is because of my diet.

Right now, I'm 6'4", 240 lbs, @ about 15-20% BF.

I want to get down to an appropriate BF% so i can start a 12 week test C cycle.

Assuming I keep up a 2-3 mile per day running schedule, along with lifting and 2-3 days per week of rugby training, what should my diet and calorie intake look like?
hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster.

Over the past 4 years or so, I've dropped about 80 lbs's of body fat, and im getting stuck on the last 20 or so.

I figured this would happen, but no matter how much running i do, it dosent want to go away.

I'm pretty sure this is because of my diet.

Right now, I'm 6'4", 240 lbs, @ about 15-20% BF.

I want to get down to an appropriate BF% so i can start a 12 week test C cycle.

Assuming I keep up a 2-3 mile per day running schedule, along with lifting and 2-3 days per week of rugby training, what should my diet and calorie intake look like?

whats ur diet like champ?:eek2:
whats ur diet like champ?:eek2:

I've been eating too little, my body was tearing through muscle and not burning off any fat.

From September to November i spent two months at the New Zealand sports academy. 4 days a week of intense rugby training, 8 AM - 4PM, and i would run about 3-6K daily after practice and on the weekends. I dropped from 260-230. I spent a month in Thailand at Tiger Muay Thai, 6 hours of intense training daily (no lifting) and dropped from 230-220. I looked lanky and weak by the time i got home in december.

I got home in december and have been bulking ever since, 2 a days at the gym, eating about 4000 calories a day, plus at least two miles running 4-6 days per week. I came home from thailand at 220, I'm now at 240, MUCH stronger, noticeably more muscular, but I've also put on some of that body fat i worked so hard to get rid of. Only around the middle, not in the face or any other part of the body, but the spare tire is inflating again. I dont eat fast food. Its been mostly eggs, beef, turkey, oats, cheese, lots of 2% milk with raisin bran, and about once a week I'll go out with my family and eat something i probably shouldnt, like a bunch of mexican food.

Basically I just want to get to an acceptable body fat % so i can start a cycle, and it seems like im doing something wrong.

I will say that the swelling around the middle might be due to the fact that i lost so much weight and i now have some extra skin.
I've been eating too little, my body was tearing through muscle and not burning off any fat.

From September to November i spent two months at the New Zealand sports academy. 4 days a week of intense rugby training, 8 AM - 4PM, and i would run about 3-6K daily after practice and on the weekends. I dropped from 260-230. I spent a month in Thailand at Tiger Muay Thai, 6 hours of intense training daily (no lifting) and dropped from 230-220. I looked lanky and weak by the time i got home in december.

I got home in december and have been bulking ever since, 2 a days at the gym, eating about 4000 calories a day, plus at least two miles running 4-6 days per week. I came home from thailand at 220, I'm now at 240, MUCH stronger, noticeably more muscular, but I've also put on some of that body fat i worked so hard to get rid of. Only around the middle, not in the face or any other part of the body, but the spare tire is inflating again. I dont eat fast food. Its been mostly eggs, beef, turkey, oats, cheese, lots of 2% milk with raisin bran, and about once a week I'll go out with my family and eat something i probably shouldnt, like a bunch of mexican food.

Basically I just want to get to an acceptable body fat % so i can start a cycle, and it seems like im doing something wrong.

I will say that the swelling around the middle might be due to the fact that i lost so much weight and i now have some extra skin.

whats ur height and weight
have six meals ..make then with protein and quality fats..have carbs post workout
do cardio where the bmr is between 120-130 the fat burning zone..i wouldnt do high intensity unlesss u wanna burn muscle
whats ur height and weight
have six meals ..make then with protein and quality fats..have carbs post workout
do cardio where the bmr is between 120-130 the fat burning zone..i wouldnt do high intensity unlesss u wanna burn muscle

6'4" tall
242 lbs

whats a quality fat?