How to filter with a HandPump


New member
Hey guys

Just researching into filtering with a handpump and a stericup filtration unit
ive just done a first home brew with tren ace powder via a whatman, went great but took to long for 100ml.

Ive heard this handpump method can do 150ml in 10minutes!!

I believe this is how you do it, please correct me if im wrong

you buy one of these

and you buy one of these

You put the oil in the top, it runs through the filter via pressure from the hand pump, then goes into the sterile container underneath.

you then simply, suck up the oil from the sterile container with a syringe and put into a sterile vial, and crimp?

Also, with the sterile container underneath the filtration unit, can you re use those? how would you sterilize it, a pressure cooker? and you can buy separate filtration paper that you change over after each batch?

any input would be appreciated, never did chemistry at school, thanks guys
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how long estimate did it take you to filter 100ml with syringe filter, was that a .22 or .45, ya im also intrested in knowing about this
how long estimate did it take you to filter 100ml with syringe filter, was that a .22 or .45, ya im also intrested in knowing about this

100ml - 100mg/ml of tren ace from powder, with a .22 took about 1hr15min - 1hr45min.
EDIT: note that was with a 23g needle that's the biggest i had at the time, did some test prop with a 20g went a bit quicker.
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wow that long ha ,yeah if anything il def use caulk gun i assume you didnt, thanks for info bro i hope someone answers this
Caulk gun filtering with an 18g and a .22 whatman syringe filtering 100ml should take no longer than 35-45 mins.
Bottle top units like you posted are a great way to go. I can do 500ml in 45min at 18psi(not sure what that is converted in vaccuum). The bottom plastic media bottles are junk and will crack with very little pressure.

You need a glass media bottle for the bottom so it can handle the vaccuum. The nalgene you posted above needs a 45mm neck on the media bottle.
Bottle top units like you posted are a great way to go. I can do 500ml in 45min at 18psi(not sure what that is converted in vaccuum). The bottom plastic media bottles are junk and will crack with very little pressure.

You need a glass media bottle for the bottom so it can handle the vaccuum. The nalgene you posted above needs a 45mm neck on the media bottle.

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What he said glass media bottle if you go this route
thanks for the info guys, will look for a glass media bottle

so are my thoughts right in the process? is this how it works? or do i need to buy more equipment?
and with this glass media bottle, can you re use them, how do you sterilize it?
Yes a hand pump, media bottle and bottle top filter is all you need. Make sure the vaccuum pump has the guage on it.

And yes you can keep using the media bottle. To sterilize I wash in hot soapy water then rinse. Then i'll rinse it with 90% iso alcohol and let dry. Once dry i'll put in the oven t 275f with the top covered(don't put the cap on). Then it's done.
Yes a hand pump, media bottle and bottle top filter is all you need. Make sure the vaccuum pump has the guage on it.

And yes you can keep using the media bottle. To sterilize I wash in hot soapy water then rinse. Then i'll rinse it with 90% iso alcohol and let dry. Once dry i'll put in the oven t 275f with the top covered(don't put the cap on). Then it's done.

thanks for the info Chris, much appreciated
No problem, I forgot to add that I bake the media bottle for 30min. When filtering make sure the hormone isn't too hot because it will destroy the filter. I usually filter at 120f.
Ya, I've been fine using up to 40% EO without melting the housing or filter but I know some have had problems above 20%.