HOW to get rid of loose skin???


New member
hey guys last summer i was pretty chubby so obivousley i was sick of it so i worked out every day and ran and i also took hydroxycut at the time so in turn i ended up losing like 10 poounds and gaining alot of muscle!
right now im 5,10 160 poounds and around 12% body fat and i ahve Ab defenition in the top part of my stomach but i ahve ALOT of loose flabby skin around my lower stomach? so any one can you tell me how to llose it ive been doing alot of ab excersises
with a little time some skin will shrink but you shouldnt have a huge amount of loose skin considering how much weight you have lost.
Just lose a bit more fat. Doin loads of ab work is only gonna improve your muscle which is pointless if you cant see it. Do a bit more cardio or have a look at your diet. If you lose fat it comes off from all around your body i.e. you cant target one area like with muscles. If you can see the top of your abs you aint got far to go. After only losing 10 pound you wont have flabby skin. Pro bodybuilders rip up more than 10 pound.
Lift heavier, eat more good food, and fill it out with muscle! When you get to a ripped 200 you will have no more loose skin!
my suggestion is to get your Oiuja board out and ask Anna Nicole Smith.......dont know how she did it, but i'm pretty sure she had some xtra skin to get rid of.
Somtimes the only option is surgery. However you could try moisturising the skin and taking vitamin E this might help give the skin some elasticity back.
Mr.SUST said:
my suggestion is to get your Oiuja board out and ask Anna Nicole Smith.......dont know how she did it, but i'm pretty sure she had some xtra skin to get rid of.

Khyron said:
I beg to differ. Loose skin is empty fat cells.
So why would you have lipo to get rid of empty fat cells? Isn't the reason for lipo to remove (full) fat cells that people find difficult to lose by themselves (An easy more expensive alternitive). The reason for loose skin is because the skin itself has lost its elasticity.
Is it not a 'Tummy Tuck' your thinking of???
loose skin is a myth unless u've lost 50-100lbs.

its fat, fucking work it off
loose skin takes month to go away (6 or more). Its the bodies way of defending against stretch marks that could result from a feast to famon lifestyle lived by our ancestors. Give it time, and use some lotions to help.
Werd... lose skin from 10lbs off??? i doubt it... I lost 110lbs of fat, from 293 to 185 (now back to 215 mid-bulking) and 12" off my waist.... the loseness goes away after a while.... sounds to me like you've got a belly to work off... add 45 min. cardio 5 days a week to your routine... that should do the trick :)
I went from 370 to 245. Shocker I have some loose skin on my stomach. My abs are rock hard but the bottom two are not visible due to this skin. Its depressing to have come so far and not have a good six pack to show for it. I'm hoping that as I put on quality muscle mass that this will go away. I'm young so I'm hoping that will work to my advantage as well. I'm bulking right now to try to get to 280 and I will reassess this situation in a few months when I have gained weight. The last thing I'd like to get is surgery.
I have worked out for the past 21 years. In that time I have bulked up and leaned out. I think most of us on here have. One time while I was in the military, I was unable to workout for 6 months, couldn't eat often enough, and 2 hrs. of uninterupted sleep was uncommon. I ended up going from 225 to 180! And there was no freakin loose skin!!! I don't think losing 10 pounds will produce "loose skin". I understand each person is different but, come on! I think your leaving out some details. Anyways, the only thing I can reccommend is a "Tummy tuck." Good luck bro!