How to KEEP GAINS from steroids

well, I guess I can't respond to you PM. Will you include your email address so I can ask you a question I could really use some advice with??
You do realize you're asking for this information from a guy that posted NINE years ago, right?
Nice board bro's...

As an estimate of natural max.......the average guy of average height( 5"9 or 10" and with average bone structure and genetically typical recuperative abilities (vast majority of men) can usually get to a lean 190-195 with a bench of 275-300, full squat of 375-400 and a deadlift of about 500 pounds without steroids.

Great read! I realize this is an old post but I was just interested to know what others thought about this estimate of a natural max? Not saying it is wrong or right its just to me it just seems like there are so many factors that influence one's genetic max that it becomes hard to really estimate.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I have read this post more than five times now. AWEEEEESSSSOOOOOMMMMEEEEE. I had so many questions. And now, I feel SO well informed. You aleviated a ton of my fears from being ignorant about the whats, the how to's , the why's and so on about cycling. If I could give an award you would get it.

In your experience, do you think one can have significant gains JUST using testosterone? Ive fantasized about cycling for about six years now, but lack of knowledge and overwhelming amounts of confusing information has kept me from going forward with it. Now, at 35, and having taken the natural route to mass gain for about 5 years, I feel ready to take the next step. Now that you have demystified the process of cycling, how does one recognize true and effective gear? Any leads on recognizing the real deal? As opposed to a placebo or fake?

Man Imliterally bubbling over with excitement from this post...I feel like my brain just grew!
Good post. i may be 9 years late, but the biggest gains of my life came with little training low volume/high intensity. Squats - deadlifts -bench press - military press - pull ups - power clean 3 times per week 3 exercises a day
one guy posted earlier...Its hard to Stay away from the gym. If I dont go I actually have DREAMS about going to the gym.
Its hard to stay away. On my off day, I sometimes will just go to sit in the sauna. I cant stay away. LOL