How to make liquid CLomid?

clo doesnmt hold in alcohol. peg is the route to go. if you are offended by the taste take it with OJ. i made mine up at 100mg/ml.
pullinbig said:
clo doesnmt hold in alcohol. peg is the route to go. if you are offended by the taste take it with OJ. i made mine up at 100mg/ml.

I got mine holding in Lamb's 151 @ a bit over 50mg/ml. Got the powder from ibe labs....
big difference between 50 and 100 as far as soluability goes. but thats the thing with home brew what works sometimes dont work others. =0l
I'm currently using some that's suspended in Everclear at 100mg/mL. I have to heat it up slightly for each use, but it goes back in solution quickly so I don't mind.
bleachcola said:
I'm currently using some that's suspended in Everclear at 100mg/mL. I have to heat it up slightly for each use, but it goes back in solution quickly so I don't mind.

datllgetherdunbo =0)