How to make Masterone from Powder???


Gettin Swole
I didnt see it on the sticky so I was wondering what are the ratio's for a 10g conversion for the BA and BB?
Well since Im Mr. 2.5/7.5, ill suggest you go with 2.5/7.5

Oil Volume 80.03
BB Volume 7.28
BA Volume 2.43
Powder Volume 7.28

Total Volume 97.0
Thats for 100mg/ml

I always use a tad less oil because of potential loss of hormone during the process. So if your good those numbers will give you an ever so slightly overdosed oil.

Concentration (mg/ml) 100
Powder Weight (mg) 10000
Specific Volume 0.75
Desired BA% 2.5
Desired BB% 7.5

Oil Volume 82.50
BB Volume 7.50
BA Volume 2.50
Powder Volume 7.50

Total Volume 100.0
haha, id suggest PB's masteron conversion....

10g masteron sludge
the rest carrier oil
gymphreak said:
haha, id suggest PB's masteron conversion....

10g masteron sludge
the rest carrier oil

masteron (drostanolone propionate) is a dry powder boy wonder. its prop. so its gonna be dry at ambient temps.

what did we learn yesterday? the less carbon atoms in the ester the shorter the ester, higher melting points, less soluable in oil and moderate soluability in water. more parent drug.

more carbon atoms means? more soluable in oil. lower melting point, longer ester, less parent drug.

see aint esters fun? they make our life easier and give us a reason tom type. :eek:
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here's how i takeall that measuing out of home brewing. (laziness on my part and got bored with it a couple of years ago) use a graduated beaker. they are 5 bucks a piece. add powder, solvent and heat til clear (melts). add oil to just above desired amount as the heat causes expansion of solution. heat, stir, filter, bake and shoot. i brewed up 400+ml in less than an hour not including baking. only used 4 filters. 1 for each hormone. 100ml of each. naother reason i go over a bit too is because you always gonna have some waste. so 5% extra oil dont effect potecy to a noticable degree and you get a little 1 or 2 ml extra.

its tough being smart and purdy.
hmm...didint know the scientific name for what you are saying is that all propionate esthers are going to be dry at room temps, as there is a lower number of carbon atoms, thus being a dry substance?
gotcha sensei!
gymphreak said:
hmm...didint know the scientific name for what you are saying is that all propionate esthers are going to be dry at room temps, as there is a lower number of carbon atoms, thus being a dry substance?
gotcha sensei!

sumpin like dat. shorte esters are generally less forgiving to work with. more solvents needed and more heat to break down the powder. therefore lower concentrations are possible and the pain factor is higher. but anyway dros is remarkable hormone. similar to tren in effect without the nasty sides. 350-700mg/w will yield nice results in a stack.
what do usually stack dros with? for lean mass...

I was thinking a test/masteron/winny cycle....
screw masteron. Leave it for the contest guys. go with tren/prop/winny. This cycle is sick bro, if you havent given that combo a try, your missing out.
test/tren/winny is hard to beat. add gh if you can afford it but it is not needed.
here's a killer stack thats safe and effective. and if you not prone to sides you wont get them off this stack prolly.

1g/w test (i like cyp but thats me)
100mg/d tren ace
100mg/d oral Winstrol (winny).

hold on bubba if you gettin enough protein let the fun begin. and while we dicussin protein. guys juice makes a considerable impact on your bodies ability to uptake protein. dont rob your self of gains by neglecting your pro intake. you can do 5g/w and if you only taking in 150g pro a day nothing is gonmna happen. this is o over looked in lifting. bad nutrition leads to futility and rejection. food is the best Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) on the market. take advatage of it. 2g+/d x BW if juicing 1.5g+/d x BW if clean.