How to prevent ingrown hairs?

i do too and sometimes under my arm. once had one that got full of puss and was about the size of a dime under my arm....hurt like a bitch
lol, use lotion bro, it will soften the skin and they can push through easier. My wife has to do that to her legs. Works for her.
Exfoliate! Before you shave and after. I only shave my arms and chest about every 3 to 5 days or I will get ingrown hairs. I also exfoliate every day on these areas. Try Nivea for Men” face scrub. I also use a Mach razor it seems to help…But my best advise on this is to get a bottle of Witch Hazel (you can get it at Wal-Mart) and put it on your chest after you shave and very day there after….Ahhhhhhhh Shit! I sound like a freaking bitch giving advise on this!!!!!!! Damn you for posting this on this forum!!! Damn you! O by the way thanks for tuning in on Game’s Beauty Tip Hour!:D
jawbreaker1 said:

waxing usually doesn't yield ingrown hairs.

This is completely bass ackwards. Waxing is the absolute worst thing you can do if you don't want ingrown hairs.
Focker said:
This is completely bass ackwards. Waxing is the absolute worst thing you can do if you don't want ingrown hairs.

where the fuck did you get that from?

most people-INCLUDING MYSELF- get ingrown hairs from shaving since it doesnt remove the whole hair. It just trims it down and leaves it at skin level to grow akwardly. While waxing takes it completely out.
There are products made especially for ingrown hair prevention. You can find them in the black hair care products section.
jawbreaker1 said:
where the fuck did you get that from?

most people-INCLUDING MYSELF- get ingrown hairs from shaving since it doesnt remove the whole hair. It just trims it down and leaves it at skin level to grow akwardly. While waxing takes it completely out.

Ok wait a minute!! What Focker said is very true.

I never had ingrown hair on my body except when I once waxed, when you shave you just cut the hair above your skin surface only “or a little under”, but the hair don’t loss its thickness so it grows back very easily and strongly cause it is still thick “no lopping”, but when you wax you are removing the hair from its root and when it grows back again it starts weak and small but far far away from the skin surface, so it starts to lop under the skin surface.

It is well known….. I don’t know how the hick you don’t get it!!!
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I'll agree that waxing leaves more ingrown hairs.

Way's to avoid:

Use a sharp razor.
Shave with the hair.
Keep Hydrated
Keep your skin clean.

Also if your just new to shaving. It can take the skin awhile to get used to it. After awhile it will improve.
Has nothing to do with cleanliness... shaving was bad enough but waxing was worse for me. Havne't looked back since I did laser...

Here is a little trick that I have used and it works great..go to an Osco/Jewel or someplace like that and get this stuff that is Aloe Gel with lidocaine in it (its used for sunburns...the stuff I have seen has always been green in color) Then rub the Aloe Gel on (not inside the store---Mr. dB..haha) then use shaving cream on top of the the gel (you could probably just use the gel) I have done it several times and never got an ingrown hair...when I used just shaving cream I always got a few ingrown hairs..... good luck