How to use fish oil ?


New member
I have a bottle of fish oil omega 3 1200mg per tab

How mg i need ?

What is the best for to take in the morning , night ?

Thanks for all......

If you are getting poor quality it may "repeat on you" as the old people say. Meaning you will burp and taste it or whatever so with a meal would be best. I take 3 in the am 3 sometime around lunch and like 4 before bed. I also use flax seed in all my shakes and put two tablespoons in my oatmeal.
Take Easto's advice... take them through out the day. Preferably with each meal. I always tell people to split all thier supp's up and take them 3 times a day because most are fast acting and get absorbed immediately. Doing this will ensure that you keep even/peak blood levels all day long...IMO