How to work out after cycle is over


New member
Shod I continue to workout with the same level of intensity or lift lighter weights untill my natural test levels are back to normal.Tks for any informatoin.
you obviously wont be able to lift with the same intensity as when you were on but you should still push yourself as much as you can. Just be careful not to overtrain which is alot easier when coming off.
- reduce training frequency to 3-4 times/week
- remove isolation exercises
- reduce volume
- train in low rep ranges (3-6)
- Train hard and heavy
- keep your calories up

might want to take the first week of post cycle therapy (pct) off altogether
Xoine said:
- reduce training frequency to 3-4 times/week
- remove isolation exercises
- reduce volume
- train in low rep ranges (3-6)
- Train hard and heavy
- keep your calories up

might want to take the first week of post cycle therapy (pct) off altogether
damn good post X heavy weight / lower reps and sets is my recipe for post cycle lifting
Xoine said:
- reduce training frequency to 3-4 times/week
- remove isolation exercises
- reduce volume
- train in low rep ranges (3-6)
- Train hard and heavy
- keep your calories up

might want to take the first week of post cycle therapy (pct) off altogether
Truly a solid post.... very rare these days.

I recommend the following; 30mins on the Bowflex, 60mins of Jazzercise, and 20mins to admire the outfit one would wear while performing this regimn.
DADAWG said:
damn good post X heavy weight / lower reps and sets is my recipe for post cycle lifting

That sounds good. Would you suggest doing 3 diff excercises per bodypart to decrease the volume? Then you could just really attack it hard and heavy and very intensely.
RichGenetics said:
That sounds good. Would you suggest doing 3 diff excercises per bodypart to decrease the volume? Then you could just really attack it hard and heavy and very intensely.
switcing up about 2 heavy compound movements for the 1st few weeks then adding in a 3rd after partial recovery wouldnt be a bad idea . no concentration this or isolation that just basic excercises that allow heavy weight movement which stimulates your body to grow and produce more test .
PARKER27 said:
Truly a solid post.... very rare these days.

I recommend the following; 30mins on the Bowflex, 60mins of Jazzercise, and 20mins to admire the outfit one would wear while performing this regimn.

You forgot the mandatory 15 minutes to pose and flex while looking in the mirror.
PARKER27 said:
Truly a solid post.... very rare these days.

I recommend the following; 30mins on the Bowflex, 60mins of Jazzercise, and 20mins to admire the outfit one would wear while performing this regimn.

Love it!

tominator said:
You forgot the mandatory 15 minutes to pose and flex while looking in the mirror.

Ya really good post I think guys needed to see this including me. I think a lot of us have A tough time not Over training. I guess this is A good example of sometimes Less is more. Good Post thanks... Mike.....
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Of all of the recomendation from above: I would for sure decrease your time in the gym each time you workout and workout less per week. Say you were at 5 days a week for an hour and 20mins including cardio, decrease the weights to no more than 45 mins maybe evey 30 and lower cardio as this will take off muscle fast...a little is ok but do not hit it hard for a while untill you feel your body is ready for will know probably take a month at least to get to this point unless you bridge but take yoru time as you did with your cycle it will come back and you will feel better and have energy again!
Lion and anyone who wants to chime in... please do. I do 20 minutes of cardio every day. From what I gather, this isn't a good idea when coming off cycle? When would be considered ok to start again if indeed it's not a good idea while doing post cycle therapy (pct)? I certainly don't want to hinder and lose any gains made but I love my cardio for keeping my waist slim and heart rate up. Any thoughts?
DADAWG said:
switcing up about 2 heavy compound movements for the 1st few weeks then adding in a 3rd after partial recovery wouldnt be a bad idea . no concentration this or isolation that just basic excercises that allow heavy weight movement which stimulates your body to grow and produce more test .

I started doing this and the past 2 training sessions have been outstanding. I'm only doing the heavy compounds and doing 3 sets of 4-6 reps. I've increased my weight dramatically. I'm sore, but I am keeping my weight and very happy with the past 2 workouts. I have about 7 days left of post cycle therapy (pct) and I'll be finished.

I'm holding onto the 196 range in weight, and I've been maintaining that for the past month now. Sweet.

Think I may do a semi bulking cycle soon in a few weeks and try to get the weight up to 215, and then this summer I'm going to possibly do a show. We'll see how that goes.
Any change in thoughts on this. I was thinking of taking the 1st week of PCT light and then go with a heavy abbreviated program like a 5x5 or even Starting Strength. Just the basic compound lifts with low reps and lots of squats.
Any change in thoughts on this. I was thinking of taking the 1st week of PCT light and then go with a heavy abbreviated program like a 5x5 or even Starting Strength. Just the basic compound lifts with low reps and lots of squats.

go heavy in pct... treat your muscles as if they were still growing