How's my post-workout shake


50g whey
30g dextrose
5g leucine

On a heavy AAS cycle currently and having trouble getting the calories in. Sucks when you need 5k calories to gain at 210 lbs.

Any ideas what to add or what to change in that shake? More dextrose? Even the 30g in that shake makes me nauseas for some reason.
I was similar weight and needed 4500cals to gain. I used whole eggs instead of whites (but I always do that anyway), made my own "weight gainer" shakes with whole milk, oats, whey, ice cream, fruit, pB, etc, I hit up fast food pretty often (it's your choice to go that route or not but you can't deny it's easier to get the calories in lol), use lots of high fat foods such as olive oil and Avacados, and eat calorie dense foods like PB, nuts, and whole fat products not reduced fat.
i would use honey instead of dextrose but if you want suppd you could add some glutamine to this, also from what i've read leucine should be taken along with valine and isoluecine at 2:1:1 ratio of luecine:valine:isoluecine
i would use honey instead of dextrose but if you want suppd you could add some glutamine to this, also from what i've read leucine should be taken along with valine and isoluecine at 2:1:1 ratio of luecine:valine:isoluecine

I believe he's asking how to get enough calories in an easier manner.
so you nee to put more in your post workoutt shake.. i would up the dextrose
50g whey
30g dextrose
5g leucine

On a heavy AAS cycle currently and having trouble getting the calories in. Sucks when you need 5k calories to gain at 210 lbs.

Any ideas what to add or what to change in that shake? More dextrose? Even the 30g in that shake makes me nauseas for some reason.
I was similar weight and needed 4500cals to gain. I used whole eggs instead of whites (but I always do that anyway), made my own "weight gainer" shakes with whole milk, oats, whey, ice cream, fruit, pB, etc, I hit up fast food pretty often (it's your choice to go that route or not but you can't deny it's easier to get the calories in lol), use lots of high fat foods such as olive oil and Avacados, and eat calorie dense foods like PB, nuts, and whole fat products not reduced fat.

It will probably come to this sooner or later. I've been on a low fat (80g-ish) and low sodium bulk. That's my definition of eating clean. I find that controlling sodium and carbs strictly gives me better control over my weight.

Today's macros came around 80f-650c-400p. That's with one shake only. My whole day was one big freaking meal. Probably not a sustainable diet in the long term.

I wasn't actually asking how to get calories in easier. I'm just wondering how to improve the shake for a good anabolic response. Yeah I know calories in vs calories out is all that matters, but I don't agree with this when you are on AAS. Timing clearly matters. If something makes a tiny difference for a natty trainee the difference can be huge for someone on AAS.

I've also found that higher fat intake slows down digestion and it's even harder to get the food in.

They say EQ is supposed to increase hunger. Not for me :(
It will probably come to this sooner or later. I've been on a low fat (80g-ish) and low sodium bulk. That's my definition of eating clean. I find that controlling sodium and carbs strictly gives me better control over my weight.

Today's macros came around 80f-650c-400p. That's with one shake only. My whole day was one big freaking meal. Probably not a sustainable diet in the long term.

I wasn't actually asking how to get calories in easier. I'm just wondering how to improve the shake for a good anabolic response. Yeah I know calories in vs calories out is all that matters, but I don't agree with this when you are on AAS. Timing clearly matters. If something makes a tiny difference for a natty trainee the difference can be huge for someone on AAS.

I've also found that higher fat intake slows down digestion and it's even harder to get the food in.

They say EQ is supposed to increase hunger. Not for me :(

Controlling carbs and sodium will definitely have an effect on weight since they both will make you hold on to water (which is technically still LBM) and will control total calories for the day. One option to help get those calories in easier, if you can't sustain the volume food you're eating, is drop protein and carbs and increase your dietary fat intake. You're getting way more than enough protein and carbs and are slightly deficient or borderline in dietary fat. Plus every gram of fat has 9calories so it'll help keep your calories up while volume of food goes down.

As to your statement "Timing clearly matters. If something makes a tiny difference for a natty trainee the difference can be huge for someone on AAS", for this statement to be true you'd first have to show that nutrient timing makes a difference in natty athletes first and I promise you the science does not back that ;). It can certainly help with someone's energy levels, some are better at eating more meals while others operate better eating fewer meals, but this is an individualistic factor and cannot be made as a blanket statement. Combine that with the fact that the more often you spike protein synthesis (frequency) the lower the actual level of protein synthesis response (amplitude) so it's a catch-22. That's why it's important to factor in what fits into your schedule/lifestyle and what you as an individual can have the most consistency with.

I'm not saying this to tell you you're necessarily wrong, I just want to open your eyes to the fact that there isn't one single way to do things and every decision you make for the better can have some negative consequences. In the end, if what you're doing is working for you, don't change it until it stops working. :)
50g whey
30g dextrose
5g leucine

On a heavy AAS cycle currently and having trouble getting the calories in. Sucks when you need 5k calories to gain at 210 lbs.

Any ideas what to add or what to change in that shake? More dextrose? Even the 30g in that shake makes me nauseas for some reason.

I didn't read all the other comments in the thread, so I'm only going to contribute to this question.

Milk, yogurt, fruit, oats, peanut butter, ice cream, etc. Anything you think will taste good together just throw that shit in there.
Controlling carbs and sodium will definitely have an effect on weight since they both will make you hold on to water (which is technically still LBM) and will control total calories for the day. One option to help get those calories in easier, if you can't sustain the volume food you're eating, is drop protein and carbs and increase your dietary fat intake. You're getting way more than enough protein and carbs and are slightly deficient or borderline in dietary fat. Plus every gram of fat has 9calories so it'll help keep your calories up while volume of food goes down.

As to your statement "Timing clearly matters. If something makes a tiny difference for a natty trainee the difference can be huge for someone on AAS", for this statement to be true you'd first have to show that nutrient timing makes a difference in natty athletes first and I promise you the science does not back that ;). It can certainly help with someone's energy levels, some are better at eating more meals while others operate better eating fewer meals, but this is an individualistic factor and cannot be made as a blanket statement. Combine that with the fact that the more often you spike protein synthesis (frequency) the lower the actual level of protein synthesis response (amplitude) so it's a catch-22. That's why it's important to factor in what fits into your schedule/lifestyle and what you as an individual can have the most consistency with.

I'm not saying this to tell you you're necessarily wrong, I just want to open your eyes to the fact that there isn't one single way to do things and every decision you make for the better can have some negative consequences. In the end, if what you're doing is working for you, don't change it until it stops working. :)

"Combine that with the fact that the more often you spike protein synthesis (frequency) the lower the actual level of protein synthesis response (amplitude) so it's a catch-22. "

That's interesting. I didn't know it worked like that. I thought when you skipped or delayed a meal you were basically missing out. I guess this is called supercompensation.

The problem is everything works. I have even done intermittent fasting when I was natty. I took it to the extreme to test the theory and it worked. I would train overnight fasted and eat a single meal in a 2hr window (a lot of eating). I was able to gain strength and LBM doing this. Although I'm trying to play it safe since AAS are involved. Pretty much a broscience diet :D

By controlling carbs and sodium (same amount everyday) I meant that it lets me monitor my weight changes more accurately. I'll know when to increase/decrease calories. With water weight going up and down it'd be much harder to keep track of things.
"Combine that with the fact that the more often you spike protein synthesis (frequency) the lower the actual level of protein synthesis response (amplitude) so it's a catch-22. "

That's interesting. I didn't know it worked like that. I thought when you skipped or delayed a meal you were basically missing out. I guess this is called supercompensation.

The problem is everything works. I have even done intermittent fasting when I was natty. I took it to the extreme to test the theory and it worked. I would train overnight fasted and eat a single meal in a 2hr window (a lot of eating). I was able to gain strength and LBM doing this. Although I'm trying to play it safe since AAS are involved. Pretty much a broscience diet :D

By controlling carbs and sodium (same amount everyday) I meant that it lets me monitor my weight changes more accurately. I'll know when to increase/decrease calories. With water weight going up and down it'd be much harder to keep track of things.

Gotcha on the carbs and sodium. Very true about accuracy.

I'm glad you had success with IF brother and like I said, I'm not here to tell you you MUST change your diet. But if something isn't convenient for you there's no reason to not try something else based on sound principles as well. Nothing wrong with more of a broscience type diet if you enjoy it and stay consistent. Results are based on consistency and adherence to a few basic principles.

Yes there's an inverse proportion between frequency of spiking protein synthesis and the amplitude of the spike. That's why nutrient timing and eating 6-8meals per day are not necessary. Do they make you lose gains, no of course not so long as your diet is tuned in to your caloric and macro needs, but you could also get by with 2-4 meals just as efficiently (less frequent spikes of protein synthesis but larger spikes).

Anyway I've hijacked your thread enough lol, ill finish by saying best of luck my friend and please stay safe while cycling :)