Hows this look for a first cycle? Advice/critiquing welcomed

Hey guys, so im finally deciding to pull the trigger and run a cycle after researching for a couple months. Ive ran a couple prohormones (pmag, havoc, and sd) and wanna try the real stuff.

age: 26 yrs old
height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 177lbs
Body fat: 11-12%
Years training: 4 years

Goals- Get to 195lbs and drop bodyfat down to 8ish%

Heres the layout of my cycle:

Week 1-10: Test E 500mg/wk (250mg pin tuesday and friday)

Week 1-10: Equipoise 400mg/wk (either pin 400mg tuesday or split into 200mg tuesday friday?)

Week 1-4: D-bol 50mg ed (split into 2 doses)

Week 1-15: Aromasin 12.5mg ed

Week 2-10: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/wk (250iu tuesday friday)

For 10 days after last test e injection i will do 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ed.

4 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin (2 weeks after last test e pin) clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks (week 12-15)

Will have letro on hand in case of gyno.

Hows that look for a first cycle?
the only thing i would change is drop the EQ.If you want to run it you will have to extend the whole cycle and run it at a higher dose