
it would be safe to say that the majority of the users on this forum are anti-muslcetech...but i am only speaking for myself based on my experiences......hydroxycut used to be good when it had ephedra....since the ban....this product has become useless in my opinion!!!!
I used it once and had great results with it, then i bought another bottle and it didn't seem to work as well (even though my diet and trianing stayed the same) SO I am not sure what was the reason for that. Compared to xenadrine, and those same products on the market, the labels pretty much are the same. As pRECISIOn stated muscle tech is kinda crap so who knows about their manufaturing standards. If it is cheap, try it, but an ECA stack would prbably be cheaper and more effective
i'm pretty sure hydroxycut in canada has no ephedra because it has been ban here for some time now but it doesnt mean you still cant get it. I live in b.c. and i get it at the mall
Dai Lo said:
i'm pretty sure hydroxycut in canada has no ephedra because it has been ban here for some time now but it doesnt mean you still cant get it. I live in b.c. and i get it at the mall
