Hypothetical question regarding testosterone


New member

I would like to ask just a hypothetical question regarding testosterone like Sustanon 250:

If you were to use it (like 500 mg per week) will it have any effect on your body gaining mass without any real workout on your part?

I'm a 6'4" (194 cm) guy weighing ~190-192 (87-88 kg) and eat more than average, but i just don't gain anything. Guess it's to do with faster metabolism. Sure, i don't workout because my work life has me filled all the time.

But theoeritcally speaking, what would help me build something on the market? I know people talk lots about Sustanon, but i'm not sure. All i know testosterone is the way to go. Also, will pills help gain anything, or they're useless (compared to injectables)?

Thanks for giving me suggestions!
Are you serious?

I'm afraid to take your questions seriously, because of their unbelievably moronic nature.

You want to take steroids, not work out, and get big?

Please tell me you're kidding!!!
Are you serious?

I'm afraid to take your questions seriously, because of their unbelievably moronic nature.

You want to take steroids, not work out, and get big?

Please tell me you're kidding!!!

Actually that's not the intention at all. I was reading different forums that using Sustanon helps to gain some buildup to some extent without doing anything as it's just widening muscles.
I'm just trying know whether it actually is possible to gain only like 10 pounds within 6 months.

By no means am i looking for to gain proper muscle, that obviously requires work out. In my world working 12h 6 times a week - that's not gonna happen.
Widening muscles, huh?

You won't build any muscle. 10 lbs glycogen and water maybe, but it'll be gone the minute you stop.

This is a really foolish idea my man. I'm trying real hard not to label you as a troll.
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APART from working out, yes Testosterone does have plenty of benefits (its not just for bodybuilders, reason why plenty of people around the world take it, yet don't work out).. If you have a strenuous manual labor job and you eat plenty of food, I would bargain to say that YES you will benefit and add some size by exogenous testosterone.. BUT, I would definitely say that those few benefits are NOT worth shutting down your natural production of testosterone *

* you do know that taking exogenous testosterone shuts down your bodies own production of testosterone. And after your done injecting, you will have NO testosterone in your body and you'll feel like an 11 year old bitchy whiny little girl . you think adding a few pounds is worth that as the end result ?
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I would like to ask just a hypothetical question regarding testosterone like Sustanon 250:

If you were to use it (like 500 mg per week) will it have any effect on your body gaining mass without any real workout on your part?

I'm a 6'4" (194 cm) guy weighing ~190-192 (87-88 kg) and eat more than average, but i just don't gain anything. Guess it's to do with faster metabolism. Sure, i don't workout because my work life has me filled all the time.

But theoeritcally speaking, what would help me build something on the market? I know people talk lots about Sustanon, but i'm not sure. All i know testosterone is the way to go. Also, will pills help gain anything, or they're useless (compared to injectables)?

Thanks for giving me suggestions!

Yes, taking Test while not exercising would increase your muscle mass; especially with a good diet. But you will get far better results if you do resistance training -- even modest amounts. But make sure you understand that taking exogenous test shuts down your Natural Test. It can also cause things thing gynecomastia if not run properly. See the following study.


P.S. Sust is a poor choice for Test. There are better esters.
But make sure you understand that taking exogenous test shuts down your Natural Test.

But what does it mean exactly? When i stop taking testosterone, will it shut down the natural test permanently, or will it your organism start producing it again after a while?
But what does it mean exactly? When i stop taking testosterone, will it shut down the natural test permanently, or will it your organism start producing it again after a while?

Depends, how lucky you feeling?

Flip a quarter; heads you're fine, tails - and you're pinning the rest of your life. Can you accept those odds, especially given the scenario with such a poor risk vs reward?
Okay, but when you suddenly decide to start work out - then you're organism should start producing it again naturally, i would guess? I mean it seems logical.
Okay, but when you suddenly decide to start work out - then you're organism should start producing it again naturally, i would guess? I mean it seems logical.

working out has nothing to do with it.. every 12 year old boy on the planet produces plenty of natural testosterone wither they work out or not. BUT when you start injecting testosterone, your body stops producing its own, period. Once you stop injecting it your "organism" , i.e., your balls , might or might not go back to producing what it did before naturally or it may never again
But what does it mean exactly? When i stop taking testosterone, will it shut down the natural test permanently, or will it your organism start producing it again after a while?

For most guys it turns back on -- especially if they run PCT. But we often see it is at levels lower than their pre-cycle baseline. Each subsequent cycle tends to drop Natty levels further. And for some guys, it unfortunately never turns back on. There is risk with every cycle.

If TRT for the rest of your life is an unacceptable possible outcome you shouldn't take the risk.
I don't get why we can go to the moon but can't get our balls working again and have to go on Trt.

Because the radiation belts never let them past. Still cant. and as far as the little men, well, damn, thats a good question.
They had the brightest minds in NASA working on it, we got the brightest minds in Ology here in the forums to work on this. lol
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