i do have psycho genetics


New member
genetic psycho

17a-methyl-1,4-androstadiene-3,17diol (M1,4ADD) 30mgs "dbol"

Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione 20mgs "tren"

2,3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallo cholan-17b-ol (Epistane) 20mgs epi...

what you guys think for this stack

one per day or two for 4 weeks?
or one per day for 8 weeks......

one suprer drol cycle before with test
this would be my 2nd prohormone cycle i,m gonna run it with test? you boys who are firmiliar with pro hormone what you think?

one per day or two for 4 weeks?
or one per day for 8 weeks......

im 29 5 8'' 185
Personally, if you're going to do anabolics, you might as well do all anabolics and not a mix of pro-hormones and anabolics. I would say it would think that any PH really worth taking is so harsh on the liver it isn't worth it when you can get the same results in a safer manner. Plus, it would probably be more cost effective considering the prices of some PHs.

But if you have them, you might as well use them if that's what you want. I think most PH are designed for 4 weeks so that's what I would do.
genetic psycho

17a-methyl-1,4-androstadiene-3,17diol (M1,4ADD) 30mgs "dbol"

Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione 20mgs "tren"

2,3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallo cholan-17b-ol (Epistane) 20mgs epi...

what you guys think for this stack

one per day or two for 4 weeks?
or one per day for 8 weeks......

one suprer drol cycle before with test
this would be my 2nd prohormone cycle i,m gonna run it with test? you boys who are firmiliar with pro hormone what you think?

one per day or two for 4 weeks?
or one per day for 8 weeks......

im 29 5 8'' 185

I would run epi and trenavar stacked with injectable test. I would run the PHs for 6 weeks. Run your test for 12-16weeks at no lower than 500mg per week.

Run the epi at 40mg+
Run the trenavar at 40mg+
I wouldn't run PH again now that I have stepped up to pinning.

I definitely wouldn't run any PH for more than 4 weeks either. If you're going to run them do them for 4 weeks (first 4 weeks) and run test 10-12 weeks. Use CEL cycle support and some milk thistle also.