I Hate Clomid


New member
Ive only been on clomid for a week, and Im goin crazy! I normally have a bad temper and get emotional easy, now Im a fuckin lunatic! I try and think to myself "clomid is making you feel that way, its not real." But it doesnt help.

Im crazy jealous wit my girl now, and impatient like a motherfucker.

I wish I could be on the juice forever. Cant wait to get back on.

What does clomid do to you guys?
I normally get really depressed the end of first week when I'm using 100 mgs per day. However 50 mgs for the 2nd and 3rd weeks seem not to bother me.
IMO..its not the clomid but the drop in testosterone and rise in estrogen in your body....I have said this before but really didn't get much support for it... think about the end of your cycle...your test level is going way down to below normal levels...your body though is still kicking out estrogen levels that are higher than normal...with the extra high estrogen levels...you basically turn into a woman, emotionally...

Now at this time your post cycle therapy (pct) starts...you start taking clomid which you do with the intention to get your nads going again...it takes a while to get them going and during this time your estrogen levels are high (as stated above) so you assume its the clomid that is making you all emotional when in reality (my opinion here) is that its the high estrogen level... next time you do post cycle therapy (pct)... use both novla and clomid together... I bet you don't get the huge emotional roller coaster that you do with clomid only..because the novla will help attack (lower) your high estrogen level... Thoughts??
No sides that I aware of... We will see thosugh in a few days as I do another post cycle therapy (pct) cycle
Im on nolva and clomid, but I fucked up the dosage and was only taking 10mg of nolva with the standard clomid, today I uped it to 20mg so lets see if there is a difference. My problem is that my relationship with my girl is based solely on sex, if I cant fuck her everyday and send her home happy things will end. Sucks.
go out to a health food store and buy tribulus, i find it helps me when i'm doing my post cycle therapy (pct) with the clomid... i start taking tribulus as soon as i finish my cycle and all the way through to end of post cycle therapy (pct)
I have some clomid to get rid of but nolvadex is my mainstay, every time I try clomid alone or in higher doses I regret it. Last time I actually tried clomid alone, and I never lost strength or positive mood so quickly, no BS. I just can't hang with it, at all. Honestly I felt I lost more strength than if I would have gone off cold turkey.

Somehow it just doesn't agree with me, for those that it does, you are lucky.

I use HCG during my cycles as well.
thefantom1 said:
IMO..its not the clomid but the drop in testosterone and rise in estrogen in your body....I have said this before but really didn't get much support for it... think about the end of your cycle...your test level is going way down to below normal levels...your body though is still kicking out estrogen levels that are higher than normal...with the extra high estrogen levels...you basically turn into a woman, emotionally...

Now at this time your post cycle therapy (pct) starts...you start taking clomid which you do with the intention to get your nads going again...it takes a while to get them going and during this time your estrogen levels are high (as stated above) so you assume its the clomid that is making you all emotional when in reality (my opinion here) is that its the high estrogen level... next time you do post cycle therapy (pct)... use both novla and clomid together... I bet you don't get the huge emotional roller coaster that you do with clomid only..because the novla will help attack (lower) your high estrogen level... Thoughts??

This is wrong as I see it.

We can all agree on that after a cycle testosteron is low. But usually also estrogen. Estrogen is not produced by some strange mechanism outside the androgen system, it's convertet from testosteron with the help of the ensyme aromatase.

When testosteron is low, estregen is also low if nothing very strange has happened. The use of AI's during cycle can make things worse as is via feedback lets the body produce more aromatase to compensate. Then when the cycle stops (and AI's) one has high levels of aromatase and this will lead to a higher aromatization then normal. This is probably why many gets gyno problems after a cycle (pure speculation).

Clomid can make many totaly crazy, thats no lie. This is usually not the case for Nolvadex.
