I hope not! Deca makes your penis smaller?


New member
Very well known source on }##~~.com said that taking deca actually decreases the size of your penis in girth and length. OH SHIT!!!! Is this true. Is it only true if you are on deca only!! They usually give sex offenders deca to calm the libido down and as side effect it shrinks the penis!!! If this is true i'm getting rid of my deca. There has been some type of documentation to say this? If anyone knows, damn please share with all the males on deca!!!!:40oz: :40oz:
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It's true that Deca can be used for chemical casteration.....but as far as shrinking the size of your dick, I don't think so, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one.
The theory is it is derivitives of progesterone which is a female hormone and acts to shrink the penis in males. I don't know how true, but i have used deca for three cycles at 400 mg per week and it shut me down real hard!!! So i am not going to use it because of that, but now this new thing comes up where it it can affect your penis! Damn, forget the deca, but how about equipoise since it is mildder then deca!!!
Okay, I guess it may not affect the penis size, but the thought of it, is scary!!! I have met irls that have said, "Oh I heard if you take steroids that your penis gets smaller" I reply to them no it gets bigger. So where do these rumors start. From jealous people who don't use steroids, orfrom the government to have people avoidusing steroids?
oh shit!!!

if i had 12 inches,i wouldn't mind loosing some!

thats it not gonna touch Deca ever!:confused:
Slobberknocker.........I am gay becuse of Deca.. In fact I can say that silverback316 is lying cause I saw him at the fag bar the other night and he asked me if I had any deca. I told him no, he wasnt my type........LOL.....JOKE!!!!!!!......As for the dick shrinking???? I dont think so, I am with SCNTO on this I smell a big pile of bullshit.......Although I will say this '' I HATE DECA"..........just my opinion.
I wonder if this idea arrose from the fact that deca shuts you down so hard. Think about it, less blood is getting to mr willy, so in fact your erections aren't as strong as they used to be and not as full making your dick appear smaller....that's the only way I could think this idea would happen, not that the drug actually shrinks you.
twoman2000 said:
i guess so. Thats why females always say "I heard that juice makes the penis smaller" Urban legend i guess!

I dont think that's the reason, they say it because they want us to say :