I love Boobies

IMT staff

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It is no secret – men are infatuated with tits. The male eye has its way of looking to the chest after it first notices a woman. This is such a common occurrence that it has become a joke over the years.

Why do guys like tits? What makes a man’s eyes wonder? Experts in the study of social science are fascinated by this topic, and there have been numerous research studies done to find the real reasons behind this phenomenon.

When looking from a biological standpoint, the obsession with tits is actually pretty strange. Men are unique male mammals and the only ones who are fascinated by tits to the point of sexual arousal. Women are the only female mammals that go through breast enlargement at puberty, rather than just during pregnancy. It may come to your surprise, but we are the only species who engage in sexual activity involving a female’s tits during foreplay and sex.

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