I`m Back


New member
After a 7 month break I am back and ready to pick up where I left off
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I'm not sure why asking if the person was a guy or girl was dumb 70W30??? The screen name says "Legz". I don't think that shows bias towards a girl or guys - Personally i've seen plenty of girls with legs that are just as big, so not sure whats so wrong with asking.
DirkMoneyshot said:
I'm not sure why asking if the person was a guy or girl was dumb 70W30??? The screen name says "Legz". I don't think that shows bias towards a girl or guys - Personally i've seen plenty of girls with legs that are just as big, so not sure whats so wrong with asking.
Ok I,m SORRY!!!
more pics

I have more pics but they are too big to post. maybe I`ll email em to nicole and have her resize em. I have to cometition pics and a back double bicep from a while back, but atleast you can get an idea. My legz grow fast....I have to watch it or I`ll be outta proportion real fast.
And by the way I am a guy and yes I have small feet....lol
(Like I have never heard that before?)
As far as stats go I am 5`4 and right now sitting at a measley 171. I have only been back in the gym for a week and a half, but I think I am responding quickly.....I will post progress pics along the way
Massive wheels bro! Whats the leg routine look like?
Look bugger then 171! Why did you take time off?
the reason

Well the real reason I left the gym was I need to take a break from burn out and injuries. The #2 reason was I was in love with a girl and wanted to spend every minute with her and her son. I finally realized how shitty she was to me, after repeated clues from friends and family. She never told me thank you for small gifts, b day presents cleaning her house the list coulg go on and on. Last month it just clicked and it was over. I met my roommate (a friend of hers btw) over a year ago. he and his ole lady split up and he needed a place to stay, so I told him to stay w/me until he got on his feet. For no reason she told me she didnt like the idea and to pick bt her and him. I told her to leave my house key one the table, here is urs back and get out the house....havent talked to her since....oh yeah she was with some other douche bag three days later in a club.....whatever :mad:
so anyways now I look out for #1 me and what makes me and my 3 yrs old son happy....