i need a secure email

Safe-mail.net doesnt sound too safe to me.

PRIVACY: SecITec will not disclose information about you or your use of the Safe-mail system, unless SecITec believes that such action is necessary to comply with its legal requirements or process; enforce these terms; or protect the interests of Safe-mail, its members or others. You agree that SecITec may access your account, including its contents, for these reasons or for service or technical reasons. Please note that your Internet Protocol address is transmitted with each message sent from your account.
IF they want to get you they are going to get you.

If you need that much protection your best bet is to use different emails and switch them up regularly. Use a few proxies and don't use your personal computer.
Sub Rosa

Look at "Sub Rosa" secure email at Novo Ordo Email Privacy. You can subscribe without giving any personal information. They use encrypted links to and from their server. They help and encourage the use of strong encryption. Your message resides on an encrypted partition while on their server. And, they are located outside U.S. legal jurisdiction.

The site also has a lot more information on email security and tables comparing services from other providers.