I need cycle & post cycle therapy recovery advice

Age: 22
Weight: 84KG
Bodyfat: 13 - 15%
Height: 6" 2"
Experience: Been lifting on and off since 16, have good form and training/nutrition plan have been building the solidest foundation possible the last few months.

Hey guys,
My aim is to add as much weight as possible I am looking to use the following chemicals have already started Test and had my first pin of week two today, I know I should already have everything but I am working it as best I can have DECA paid for and is coming this week with more test can't get my AI until week 4, should that be a problem? Need help with the best pct to get me kick started once done and any other veteran advice would be appreciated guys! Should I get some HCG and how often and when should I use it?

Test E - 750mg Week 1 - 15
DECA - 400mg Week 3 - 13
Aromasin - 12.5mg E4D Week 4 - 15

Clomid but at what doses?
Anything else?
Was going to include Aromasin possibly as well!

Any extra information would be helpful - will be doing either way so as much constructive information as possible would be appreciated! Cheers guys!
You have many issues with your cycle. Many!
Yes, it is a big issue not to start an ai till week 4. An ai manages elevated estrogen due to test converting at high amounts. Waiting till week 4 to start will almost certainly get you unwanted sides. You should be getting bloodwork done around week 4 to see if your ai dose is dialed in. Running aromasin e4d is no good. The half life dictates it should be taken daily.
Test is all you need for a first cycle. Skip the deca. Most likely you will get unwanted sides especially the way you have you cycle planned so far. Plus 10 weeks of deca is just too short of a run. Deca has a very long ester and doesn't kick in till around week 8.

Pct consists of nolvadex and clomid. I've done enough spoon feeding on everything else. You would be wise to research. It's very clear you have no idea what you're doing. I would advise giving the beginner cycle stickys a good read. They're at the top of the aas section.