i need help on some supplement usage!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
my friend let me have some pills they are called thermo gain and thermo shred (both by muscle tech) what i want to know if these pills are good and do they work and how to take them.

supps work for some and not for others. I.e. thermogenic supps do nothing for me. I neede the crack style supps to work. I need to be sped up. OTOH I know some guys that have great luck with thermo genics. IMO read the label and folow it accordingly. All I would add is whatever the ED dose of the stuff is start below it to assess tolerance.
well thermo-gain claims to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Apparently Muscletech is experimenting with, and selling, magic these days.

i dont know the specifics of the top of my head, but i wouldnt use them for anything other than 1. a pre workout stimulant, or 2. a thermogenic for losing weight.