I need help with my first contest


New member
A fork in the AAS Road

I have decided to do my first cycle, and have the gear on hand (500 mg/week test e for 12 weeks, aromasin, nolva/clomid pct)

But I also want to compete in an untested npc show in June (16.5 weeks out)

I don't know what to do exactly though, should I:
1) Do my first cycle while prepping for the show
2) Forego the show, and focus on growing for my first cycle.
3) Compete as a natural, then do my first cycle after

208 lbs
~15% bodyfat
4 years lifting

285 Bench
475 Squat
495 Dead
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I'll take 2 for $200 Alex! Lol. Just kidding.
There some real knowledgeable guys on this site bro. If you want it knowledge will come your way. Be teachable. Need to know your age also.
I would tell you to do more research on aas, in the meantime keep working out natty.
Always good to have goals! Welcome to Ology!
I will continue to research of course, even if I intended to stay natural I would, it can be so damn interesting to read about sometimes!

I am 18 by the way. Yes, 99% of people will say not to do it this early but I have a decent base and I don't want to wait until I am 25, if I have any hope of actually doing something with bodybuilding I need to start soon.
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Bro if you want your body to reach its natural maximum potential you had better hold off on aas. At 18, your body and brain has a LOT of maturing to do. Your best bet is to get to you natural potential before picking up aas. And yes 25 is a waaaaayyy better age to start. It has a lot to do with brain development as well and the negative effect steroids could have on it at your current age.
You won't get ANY help at this forum for an 18 yo to do steroids. Just keep training natty and forget about any show in the near future. Sorry to crush your dreams