!!I Need Help!!


New member

Im in the final process of coverting Synovex and Component TH. I have let my syno crystals sit for 10 days and my CompTH for 5 to help dry them out, I placed a dehumdifier in my room to help w/ the process, Ive been cutting the shit up w/ razor blades to help break down the crystals into smaller peices and............

today when I have all my tools, water boiling, gloves on, etc. I go to measure the crystals and end up with 10.1 grams of TestProp (Out of of course 10 grams) and exactly 4 grams of Tren (Out of 4 Grams). WTF????

Now either Im the most talented converter on this board w/ magical powers that help me get extra Test (and not lose a single gram of Tren) by simply snapping my fingers or something is wrong.

Please help me dry out my crystals any ideas would be VERY VERY appreciated!!

the easiest way I've found to dry out crystals is to put a couple paper towels on a plate put crystals on the papertowels, put couple paper towels on top of crystals the just stack another paper plate on top to press it down. and put it in the fridge. which is the best dehumidifier you can use.
as for your amount of tren and test crystals did you check the purity by checking the melting point. if it's too low then you still have some estradiol in it, you'll have to melt them down and go through the crystalization process again to purify it
drying and purity

uuuh I'm sorry don't use paper plates use real ones. don't know why I said paper plates Duuuh