i really need help with diet

mrx ireland

New member
Ive been training for about 3 years with good enough success but now im taking it to the next level .Im starting a cycle on fri of test-e for 12 weeks with adex eod and nolva .

There was a nutrictionist who was going to do me a deit plan for it but now he's came back and told me that he's to busy to look after me .

Is there anywhere that i can go to get my diet propely looked at and ajusted so i can gain as much as possible on cycle.
Ive been training for about 3 years with good enough success but now im taking it to the next level .Im starting a cycle on fri of test-e for 12 weeks with adex eod and nolva .

There was a nutrictionist who was going to do me a deit plan for it but now he's came back and told me that he's to busy to look after me .

Is there anywhere that i can go to get my diet propely looked at and ajusted so i can gain as much as possible on cycle.

Post your current diet in 3J's thread. he is a dietitian and can help.