I want to cash in my natty card, HELP?!


New member
Whats up guys, been lurking here for quite some time. About two years now I think, I was going to run a cycle back then but after reading some threads I realized that I knew about 1/8 of what I should know. I am in no way an expert at this time, but I am now 25, I've been lifting for about 12 years now and I recently lost about 60 lbs. I think it is time and I have a source now. I really want to run tren and test. I have plenty of questions, but first thing is first how long can would a pct keep for? What I mean is I want to get a pct before I buy any gear. Would it go bad if I got it say this week, I'm getting all of my blood work done on thursday so I can keep track of my hormone levels. I just don't want to buy a pct run a cycle only to find that the pct i bought is no longer going to be effective. Any help would be appreciated.
I have looked at that, but I didn't see any information pertaining to the shelf life of PCTs.
I saw how and what to take, and dosages. but didn't see if it said how long It would keep for, am I not seeing that information there? or is it actually not there?
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Basically, The source I have has an overstock of it. So I can get it real cheap and I've read it's a pretty awesome compound. Also it's what my source always run. I know everyone is different and stuff but he has some great results and it's rare he gets any adverse reactions to it. But I suppose first cycle I should just do test as suggested here huh?

tbonexl, thanks for hearing all this shit out too man. I understand how frustrating it can be responding to a guy like me who doesn't have too much knowledge.
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Basically, The source I have has an overstock of it. So I can get it real cheap and I've read it's a pretty awesome compound. Also it's what my source always run. I know everyone is different and stuff but he has some great results and it's rare he gets any adverse reactions to it. But I suppose first cycle I should just do test as suggested here huh?

tbonexl, thanks for hearing all this shit out too man. I understand how frustrating it can be responding to a guy like me who doesn't have too much knowledge.

2 years of lurking.. not much knowledge. Dude was in the XXX sections for 2 years! :D
you shouldn't be running tren first cycle

give us some stats

Op, your confusing. You say you've done 3 great runs but this is your first cycle. Which is it?
tbonexl- I never said that I had 3 great runs, that was mooseknuckle not me. I've never ran anything.
3J- I just said I don't have a lot of knowledge, because I didn't want to come off as one of those dudes who says and acts like he knows anything. I'm just trying to find if there is any info on the shelf life of gear and PCT. I don't want to purchase something and not be able to use it for a few months only to find when the time has come it has gone bad.
Stats: height:5'11"
Weight:220 lbs
Body fat from what I gather is right around 18-20% trying to get closer to ten now eating at a deficit, and adding some cardio to my workouts.
And yes I've read that I should do test only first, like I said i have the opportunity to get quality cheap gear so I was going to pull the trigger on it. But I guess I'm gonna just do the test only. But if i buy it say tomorrow I wont run it for a couple months because I want to get bf% down first. Which is why I'm a bit worried about buying a pct that I wont take for a couple months don't want it to go bad on me if that's even possible