Ey guys
I'm 20years old and I weigh 71kg I'm an ectomorph what I'm abt to say will sound very dumb earlier this year I used dbol 40mg ed for 4 weeks I went from 66kg to 74kg and lost like 4kgs I had no pct I knw itz vey stupid and after two moths I knda fully recovered
Most of you are gona bite off my head for this I need your advice last week I started using superdrol at 20mg ed I was planning to use it for 4weeks at the same dose the second week I wantd to start taking milk thistle along side SD and for pct I was planning to use clomid but now I want to drop the superdrol to go back to dbols at 40mg ed for the rest of the 3weeks can I do that or is there a waitng period guys plz help me I'm lost and obviously uneducated
I'm 20years old and I weigh 71kg I'm an ectomorph what I'm abt to say will sound very dumb earlier this year I used dbol 40mg ed for 4 weeks I went from 66kg to 74kg and lost like 4kgs I had no pct I knw itz vey stupid and after two moths I knda fully recovered
Most of you are gona bite off my head for this I need your advice last week I started using superdrol at 20mg ed I was planning to use it for 4weeks at the same dose the second week I wantd to start taking milk thistle along side SD and for pct I was planning to use clomid but now I want to drop the superdrol to go back to dbols at 40mg ed for the rest of the 3weeks can I do that or is there a waitng period guys plz help me I'm lost and obviously uneducated