I would greatly appreciate any input


I have been developing a business plan for over two years now and am having no success in fleshing out my brand. The strongest brands are built on commonly held beliefs, they do not necessarily have to be true.

Consider this example of branding with a commonly held belief:
Health-Esteem, "If you're healthy, you'll feel good." - Not necessarily true but this is what I am aiming @

In the realm of bodybuilding:

(1) What does strength mean to you?
(2) What does intelligence mean to you?
(3) What relationships do they share?
(4) What are your favorite strength/intelligence quote/proverb(s)?

Thanks so much for taking the time guys
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lols, you trollin me? I gave an example of branding with a commonly held belief and asked a handful of questions that can be answered with no marketing exp
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