Man, you ran Megaplexx? THAT's a liver killer. That's the most ridiculous blend of compounds I've ever seen. Word of advice, don't do it again.
Epistane is great for stacking, just make sure that if you're going to stack it, you stack it with something that's not methylated. Sounds like you want to bulk so maybe M-LMG?
I used Epistane during a cut, stacked it with Furuza-A for a nice little journey. only did 4 weeks but had great results.
For post cycle therapy (pct) I would recommend Clomid. You shouldn't really have E issues since Epistane does not aromatize, but there's always the possibility of an E rebound so it might be worth your while to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.
Now, you're 19. Therefore I would highly recommend AGAINST using prohormones because you should still have sufficient levels of testosterone to make tremendous gains on your own. But, since you seem like you have your mind made up we are here to help. My number one suggestion to you is to get your blood work done before you start so you have a bass line from which to evaluate. Blood work is important, even for a prohormone, and especially when you're only 19. IT IS A MUST FOR YOU.