ibe epistane

Some people swear by it, others prefer Havoc or any of the other clones. I have used it personally and had great results from it. What are your stats and training history? Diet is going to determine results as well.
I worked for this company. IBE Epistane is probably one of the best. They do third party analysis to make sure it's pure. If you're into those kind of supplements and not steroids that's probably a good choice.
I worked for this company. IBE Epistane is probably one of the best. They do third party analysis to make sure it's pure. If you're into those kind of supplements and not steroids that's probably a good choice.

I didn't know you worked for IBE, good stuff. Epistane is def my favorite PH. Very versatile.
Im 19, weigh 195 and I'm 5'9". I ran two bottles of megaplexx about a year ago and I got amazing results from it- I was weighing 175. Anyways, I have been working out since I'm about 15. I plan to run the epistane for sure but I'm thinking about stacking something with it. Its a dry gain and I'm not sure of what to stack with it. They have so much crap nowadays online and every shelf i'm not sure of whats worth the money and what isn't and yes.. I'm scared to pin so I want to try and stick to these less affective liver killers for a while. I'd hate to do it wrong, ya know...

My diet usually consist of 33-3800 calories a day depending on what I can get in at work. Roughly 5-600g carbs, 300g protein. I plan to bulk until around the end of april then start cutting.

So far I have the epistane, cycle assist, milk thistle, and some muscle pharm assault for pre workout. If I can get it, I'll throw clomid and nolvadex in there also.
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Man, you ran Megaplexx? THAT's a liver killer. That's the most ridiculous blend of compounds I've ever seen. Word of advice, don't do it again.

Epistane is great for stacking, just make sure that if you're going to stack it, you stack it with something that's not methylated. Sounds like you want to bulk so maybe M-LMG?

I used Epistane during a cut, stacked it with Furuza-A for a nice little journey. only did 4 weeks but had great results.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I would recommend Clomid. You shouldn't really have E issues since Epistane does not aromatize, but there's always the possibility of an E rebound so it might be worth your while to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.

Now, you're 19. Therefore I would highly recommend AGAINST using prohormones because you should still have sufficient levels of testosterone to make tremendous gains on your own. But, since you seem like you have your mind made up we are here to help. My number one suggestion to you is to get your blood work done before you start so you have a bass line from which to evaluate. Blood work is important, even for a prohormone, and especially when you're only 19. IT IS A MUST FOR YOU.
Man, you ran Megaplexx? THAT's a liver killer. That's the most ridiculous blend of compounds I've ever seen. Word of advice, don't do it again.

Epistane is great for stacking, just make sure that if you're going to stack it, you stack it with something that's not methylated. Sounds like you want to bulk so maybe M-LMG?

I used Epistane during a cut, stacked it with Furuza-A for a nice little journey. only did 4 weeks but had great results.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I would recommend Clomid. You shouldn't really have E issues since Epistane does not aromatize, but there's always the possibility of an E rebound so it might be worth your while to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.

Now, you're 19. Therefore I would highly recommend AGAINST using prohormones because you should still have sufficient levels of testosterone to make tremendous gains on your own. But, since you seem like you have your mind made up we are here to help. My number one suggestion to you is to get your blood work done before you start so you have a bass line from which to evaluate. Blood work is important, even for a prohormone, and especially when you're only 19. IT IS A MUST FOR YOU.

Yeah bro.. I ran megaplexx :newbie:

Very very lucky now that I actually look back on what I took. And about being 19 and taking them, I know its early and people that are concerned always tell me but I mean I love working out and no matter how much I think of it ect. ect. theres no way you can get gains from protein/creatine like you can any kind of hormone, even the most run down shitty ph out there. The feeling and state of mind you have is ridiculous. Ive tried almost everything that had creatine and protein in it lol, including almost all pre workouts. I should have probably waited two more years BUT with all that said, I did get my blood work done after my megaplexx and doc said everything was fine. I will have it done again before I start this stuff, supposed to get it done tomorrow or friday. I was thinking something along the lines of m-lmg. The epi is dry so I need some kind of wet to go with to max my gains. I just didn't know what, you hear of so many and all the clones. BTW you have a pm... nvm I can't send pms lol
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haha, look into the research sites. You can't buy it for personal use, but you can use it for your research animals. It's very easy to get.
Thanks, got some. If I run the clomid do I need the cycle assist? And idk man something throws me off about taking some stuff that makes women ovulate haha. I read some guys say he felt like a woman lol
Maybe you shouldn't be running a ph if you don't know what a proper post cycle therapy (pct) is.

Ive always heard people using clomid and nolva, but I hadn't heard the use of it for ph as much as aas. And I've been out the game for a while, little over a year. Whats wrong with asking a question to get my memory refreshed?