If Nizoral doesnt work, will Propecia also not work?


New member
Hi guys, 28 years old. Started noticing some mild thinning about 2-3 years ago, and it gets slightly worse each year. Really just in the crown area. 2 years ago, a careful comb session could cover the spot. Now, its visible no matter what i do.

Started on Nizoral about a year ago, and looking at my crown now, Im not happy with the results at all. My question, would i be wasting my time trying out propecia... should i just go straight to rogaine? I mean, Propecia/Rogaine work essentially the same way, so is it not safe to say that if one doesnt work, perhaps the other wont as well?

I did a first cycle 4 years ago at 24, nothing since. It seems the hairloss is unrelated.