house1 Community Veteran Jun 28, 2003 #21 nice post. its all part of the game we play. too much of anything will cause problems overtime. see a doc on a regular bases and dont get into the more is better bullshit and you can live a nice long healthy life using gear.
nice post. its all part of the game we play. too much of anything will cause problems overtime. see a doc on a regular bases and dont get into the more is better bullshit and you can live a nice long healthy life using gear.
Drveejay11 Community Veteran Jun 28, 2003 #23 house1 said: .....and dont get into the more is better bullshit and you can live a nice long healthy life using gear. Click to expand...
house1 said: .....and dont get into the more is better bullshit and you can live a nice long healthy life using gear. Click to expand...