Iforce Nutrition - Bold 200


New member
Hello everyone! I'm new in this forum. Paul and I are 18 years old. I had the opportunity to enroll in other forums and make me an exercise schedule and a diet to follow.
Practical already the gym for well over 2 years, so I can say I have a fair experience.
In these years I have always trained hard.
My main problem is that I have always struggled to put on mass. Unfortunately, it is in my genetics. I've always been thin (as a child I was underweight). In recent years I have only put on 13 pounds of lean body mass, and then I went from weighing 55 Kg to 68 Kg
I did not however have never had so much trouble to put on strength, although now I'm struggling so much.
I was thinking of doing a small cycle of Bold 200, of 'iForce Nutrition. Product is written that can be taken by people of 18 years, so I should not have any problems.
We would keep to specify that I do not want to push further with the pro hormones, and I want to make use of this because it is marketed as a mild prohormone.
I would like to just 1 little help.
Are you sure its intake at this age? Are there any dangers?

Thank you for understanding

P.s. Sorry for my bad English ... is not my language ...
Your young you shouldnt mess around with hormones yet. PH's don't get you that buff. At 18 you should have plenty enough testosterone to grow. Its all in the Diet. Gotta eat to grow, but eat clean. Cell Tech is good, GHRP-6 is good because it helps you get hungry so you can get those calories in. Im not a professional so I would ask DADAWG, 4everbulking, Meathead96, juicedporkchop, StonecoldNTO, etc.. for better advice.