IGF-1 Cycle Results


Bench double your weight?
I've been searching for months for anyone who has ran IGF-1 DES or LR3. So far I've found nothing.

So I'm going to try and post detailed results. I'm currently on a test/deca cycle and will be finishing in the next few weeks. I'll be running the IGF during the post cycle therapy (pct). I know once I come off the anabolics I'll lost some muscle... its inevitable.

The IGF creates new cells as opposed to test or deca which increases the size of existing cells. This increase in the number of cells is not instant it takes a few months. So, bookmark this thread and check back periodically for honest, non-biased results.

IGF cycle: Im going to inject 100mcg bi-laterally into the biceps, pecs, shoulders, and legs.(50mcg into each muscle) The injection will take place directly after working out that body part.

I'll also note all side-effects and perks.

Any info is appreciated. :idea:
I started running LR3 abt 45 days ago. stated at 30mcg and worked up to 50mcg. First 2 weeks i got mild to bad headaches that almost made me stop taking. Every thing is all good now and very happy I stayed on. my muscles look thicker and fuller. I have also gotten comments on looking leaner. Im 5'7 185-190 10-12% bf. If you IGF is g2g you wont be disappointed. I was told 50days max with LR3 but I might just stay on 4 more weeks. Don't know yet.
No just the LR3. It can be taken at any time because it has abt a 24 life. Des will leave the body much quicker and needs to be done pre or post.
I'm about a month into a 40 day run with LR3 and DES now. I'm doing 50mcg of LR3 per day in the morning and 100mcg of des bi-lat pre or post workout on workout days. I have noticed fat loss and my muscles looking fuller and harder. No weight gain, my diet hasn't changed much..seems like a recomp. Nothing major, but a noticeable difference. I notice a lot of fatigue on IGF-1, that has been my main side effect with it.
I've been running 75 mcg Igf-1 lr3 pinned IM split bilaterally PWO. I'm also running a reall big AAS cycle-- 1g test/600 Tren/600 Mast--- so it's hard to tell what's doing what. Since I've been pinning Igf, I've been both enormously hungry and enormously tired. I feel like a teen-ager whose body is growing too fast. I hope this is a good sign. I know the true Igf benefits are farther down the road--- hyperplasia! I actually can't wait to cycle Igf-1 lr3 post PCT, by itself, so I can see what it's really doing.
I'm running 120 MCG 40 MCG per bed and 80 MCG split bi Lat. Tiredness hasn't been to bad. But I definitely feel like I'm growing. Maybe do a high carb days to build glycogen stores back up if your dieting.