Igf-1 lr3 and t3


This may be a dumb question, but just had a thought today. Would IGF-1 LR3 help with maintaining mass on a clen/t3 cycle? I could see it helping as it can help burn fat. Thank you
I'd say yes, it would help. But then I'd ask why you would run T3? That shit eats muscle like crazy. Why not clen + IGF?
Ya it does eat muscle, but If you have some IGF and if thats not enough add some test/winny and i think youll be good. I take clen in the winter, but where I live I walk outside and start to sweat like crazy hahaha. Clen would be nuts I wish it wasnt so hot here. I love clen tho
I hear ya on that bro, I live in Florida plus I sweat like crazy anyway. Maybe you could try some of that HGH Frag, I'm having really good results with that with no other fat burners.
I have been wondering about that. I have seen a few mixed reviews, but the people that have mixed reviews may not have proper diet. I think Ill give it a try with igf-1 lr3. do you need acitic acid with frag as well?
No, I just mix it with bac water. I think you'll like it, especially if stacking with igf. I have noticed results, on my 3rd week. I have been eating clean with no cardio, just heavy duty workouts. I'd imagine if I threw some cardio in, I'd really see some good results.
IMO - Its cheap enough to give it a go.
Ya it is cheap and I def will try it thanks iron. I am taking mgf currently and like it, but I wanna make sure i did the acitic acid thing right. I used 2 ml bac water and went up to .15 ml on my slin pin and mixed it all in. Is that right? i just took 2 ml and found 6%
Ya it is cheap and I def will try it thanks iron. I am taking mgf currently and like it, but I wanna make sure i did the acitic acid thing right. I used 2 ml bac water and went up to .15 ml on my slin pin and mixed it all in. Is that right? i just took 2 ml and found 6%

This was posted by Juiced Porkchop in another thread, and is very good

0.6% Acetic Acid Overview
Acetic Acid (AA) will be used to reconstitute (turn your lyophilized igf-1 into a liquid form) your igf-1. The standard is to use 0.6% AA. This concentration is typically not available for you to purchase. You can make your own 0.6% AA and I will show you how below (many have used this method successfully).

Making 0.6% Acetic Acid
You will have to purchase a few items upfront. Here is a ***8220;grocery list***8221; of items you will need. I have provided check boxes for you to check off once you have purchased these items.

Items Needed:
***8226; Distilled white vinegar (grocery store)
***8226; Distilled water (grocery store)
***8226; 0.2-0.22um sterile Whatman syringe filter
***8226; 10mL syringe with a luer lock tip
***8226; ~20-22 gauge needles (just the needles)
***8226; Sterile glass vial (10-20mL)
***8226; Alcohol prep pads ***8211; sterile kind (70% isopropyl alcohol)

Quick Guide:
1. Swab the top of your sterile vial with alcohol prep pad (70% isopropyl alcohol)
2. Mix 7.5mL distilled water with 1.0mL vinegar
3. Add Whatman syringe filter
4. Add sterile ~20ga. needle to end of Whatman filter
5. Inject the 8.5mL of solution into the sterile vial
6. You now have sterile 0.6% acetic acid

Detailed Directions:
1. Wash you hands thoroughly
2. Optional: wear alcohol treated exam gloves (rub your gloved hands together with 70% isopropyl alcohol on them until dry)
3. Using a sterile alcohol prep pad, swab the top of your sterile glass vial (into which the acetic acid solution will be held in)
4. Using the 10mL syringe with a ~20ga. needle on the end, draw up 7.5mL distilled water
5. Using the same syringe, now draw up 1mL vinegar
6. Remove needle from the syringe and discard
7. Attach 0.2-0.22um Whatman sterile syringe filter (do not touch the free end that will have a needle on it)
8. Put a new, sterile needle (~20 gauge) onto the free end of the Whatman filter (do not touch needle)
a. Do not use the same needle on the Whatman that was used to originally draw up the unsterile vinegar and distilled water.
9. Put a ~20 gauge sterile needle into the top of your sterile glass vial to act as a vent
10. Inject the acetic acid solution into the vial
11. You are now done and should have sterile 0.6% acetic acid

1. These items MUST be sterile: 20-22ga. Needles, whatman filter, glass vial
2. Whatman filter: These small, sterile filters are used to filter the acetic acid solution so it is sterile. It does not matter that the liquid in your syringe (distilled water & vinegar) is not sterile, nor does it matter that the syringe itself is not sterile. Once the liquid goes through the filter it is STERILE. Thus, everything after the filter must be sterile!
3. You will most likely use 1mL (milliliter) of 0.6% AA to reconstitute your igf-1. Thus, you should make at least 1.5mL. In reality, it***8217;s just as easy to make 8.5mL as I have stated in the above directions. You will have plenty for use later then.
4. Do NOT reuse the Whatman filter nor any needles! Discard immediately.
Ok cool I never thought about making alot all at once and putting it in a separate vial. Thanks Iron and Juiced Porkchop