Peptides and SARMS, too much?


New member
Hi all,

I've been on;

GW 501516 10mg 2x day
S4 25mg/day
MK 677 25mg/day

CJC1295, Ipamorelin, GHRP-2 (Blend) 3mg 100mcg morning and before bed
and IGF-1 LR3 1mg 20mcg 2x day

For about 2 weeks.

Until a few days ago my sleep was nice and deep, then suddenly I started to get really hot and sweaty during the night (not for the rights reasons) and would wake up numerous times, tossing and turning and lately waking up too early. Also, my bones starting to ache. Not getting sick. Just feels bones drying out.

Question is, should I drop the the top 3 SARMS and just stick to Peptides? Or take the blend before dinner instead of before bed?

My goal is to slim down and gain muscle. I need to lose body fat. After researching I heard Fragment 176-191 5mg is good for fat burn little side effect.

Am I taking too much? Should I change the dosages?

Also, I noticed that taking IGF-1 LR3 before work out actually impedes with my work out and I can't push as hard. I've read it supposed to actually help push more.

Thank you,
Welcome to the boards! We need some more stats, how old are you? Is this your first cycle? Have you had blood work done?
Hi there, thanx

Have not done blood work while on this. Before everything was normal. 1st cycle.

40, 6ft, 230, don't know fat % maybe 19% which I know needs to be down.

Have been doing heavy weights/low sets workout intensively for 7-8 months.