IGF-1 LR3 usage during PCT


New member
Someone will be using IGF-1 LR3 to reduce catabolism during PCT.
Previously used a 1mg vial during last PCT at 50mgc PWO training days only(EOD) and didn't particularly notice anything, however loss of gains were minimal.
Possible increase in hunger after pinning, but not for sure.
No change in pumps noticed, but training is not pump based, and no amount of any gear affects pumps either.

Question is about receptor downregulation and meal timing.

Plan is to take 100mcg ED (training is roughly EOD) - all PWO on training days, and morning/evening split on non-training days.
Plan to do this for 30 days.

1: Is this dose for this duration going to cause receptor downregulation?
Is the downregulation permanent?
Would it be better to split the use into 2 shorter periods with a rest in between, or 2 'blast' periods with a light 'cruise' in between?

2: I have heard about people intentionally refraining from eating after pinning and I don't understand the reason behind this.
Is this because you wan't to wait for low blood sugar thus increasing nutrient efficiency when you finally do eat?
If this has something to do with avoiding fat gain I couldn't care - I just want maximal preservation/gain of muscle mass.

Appreciate any answers.


This is the second forum I have posted this on with no replies.
I would like someone's opinion even if they aren't 100% certain.
I am looking into IGF myself to use during pct and perhaps between cycles so I am curious as to your questions as well. I know juced has some good knowledge on this, im gonna pm him with link to thread and hopefully he will chime in.
I don't agree that aas or igs etc. doesnt effect pumps. I have noticed increased pump on cycle and/or on peptide cycles, BUT not everyone is the same. some notice more than others.
A reason I feel that maybe you did not notice extra pump or gains is because of the setting of its use, to preserve muscle while in PCT.
In this setting I would not expect gains so much, but expect better recovery and holding on to muscle a bit better.
I highly rec peptides like igf1lr3 or ghrp/mod GRF 1-29 combos. They dont hinder recovery ( may help in many cases) and helps hold muscle.
I would personally pin it ed or atleast 5 days a week for 4-8 weeks IMO. so basically at start of pct and for 2-4 weeks passed. and i rec it usually around 50-100mcg ed so your dosing is on point.

I avoid eating just before or after pinning for peptides like ghrp2/6 mod GRF 1-29 because those signal to put out more GH and the sugar increase could blunt the effects. For IGF1 I do not worry a much but do generally avoid eating for about 30min just in case. I would not worry too much about it with IGF1LR3 though.
I love the stuff!
From eroids:

Research has shown GH to be vitally important in testicular function, but it is generally accepted that the beneficial effects are directly mediated by HGHs conversion to IGF-1 As many of you know, IGF-1 is created in the liver by GH, upon interacting with insulin. So, we will be focusing on the usage and benefits of IGF-1, rather than GH, as it seems more cost effective and directly related to our purpose of optimizing recovery.

In short, IGF-1 increases steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR),and cholesterol side chain cleaving enzyme cyp 11A. These are both rate-limiting steps and are critical factors for converting cholesterol into hormones, such as testosterone. IGF-1 also has the ability to increase the concentration of steroidogenic enzymes in the testes, such as 3b HSD. IGF-1 can also increase the testes sensitivity to LH and hCG by increasing the number of LH receptors.

Another thing to point out is that its well documented that estrogen may play a role in the proliferation of androgen receptors. This may explain why some experienced steroid users claim that they get decreased results when adding an anti-estrogen to their cycles; Perhaps the reason so many current bodybuilders have gyno.. is either because the doses are too high, or because of the rebound effect caused by A.Is.. Perhaps IGF-1 and a Serm like Nolva is the realy way foward, and the use of Provirion on cycle to prevent rebound gyno as it may downgrade the actual estrogen receptor, making it twice as effective at reducing circulating estrogen levels. And because DHT has such a high affinity for SHBG it leaves more free testosterone to impart its anabolic effects. You dont kill off estrogen this way.. just don't allow it to bind. MUCH SAFER.

For people who have used IGF-1 (des) or (lr3) in PCT they will know the dramatic speed in which the testes recover size, and those who've used igf on cycle have noted very little shrinkage.
Add to the increased sensitivity to LH the anabolic effects of IGF and you are already looking at a far better PCT just with this addition alone;