IGF-1 & nerve damage?


What the Duece.... ?!?!
Does anyone have information or personal experiance with the use of IGF-1 for purpose of healing damaged nerves?

I recently had a back injury in beginning of April. Resulted in a huge knot in my lower back and 2 bulging disk's in my lumbar area. No one to this point can tell me if the tightened muscles in my lower back are whats causing the bulging disk's. I have an apt. on the 29th to see a nurosurgen and want to have a good understanding of different approches to heal my condition.

I understand everything takes time to heal. I am not saying I have nerve damage, but after 7 weeks of Physical Therapy and several trips back to my doctor the possibility of nerve damage has been brought up. I have very decreased muscle function in my left hamstring and calf muscle. Most of my sciatic nerve pain has gone away, but this muscle weakness still persists.

The cortisone injections have been brought up by my doc a few times as well. Has anyone ever had a DOC perscibe them HGH or IGF-1 for such issues or is this one of those issues they steer away from?

Sorry if it sound dumb, but I am just interested in all the approaches to help me recover.
Does anyone have information or personal experiance with the use of IGF-1 for purpose of healing damaged nerves?

I recently had a back injury in beginning of April. Resulted in a huge knot in my lower back and 2 bulging disk's in my lumbar area. No one to this point can tell me if the tightened muscles in my lower back are whats causing the bulging disk's. I have an apt. on the 29th to see a nurosurgen and want to have a good understanding of different approches to heal my condition.

I understand everything takes time to heal. I am not saying I have nerve damage, but after 7 weeks of Physical Therapy and several trips back to my doctor the possibility of nerve damage has been brought up. I have very decreased muscle function in my left hamstring and calf muscle. Most of my sciatic nerve pain has gone away, but this muscle weakness still persists.

The cortisone injections have been brought up by my doc a few times as well. Has anyone ever had a DOC perscibe them HGH or IGF-1 for such issues or is this one of those issues they steer away from?

Sorry if it sound dumb, but I am just interested in all the approaches to help me recover.

I was in car accedent over 3 yrs ago it still hurts acually worse now then before with dissisiated diskes and buldging disks.
no never got hgh from doc but i got a couple runs of deca after the accedent with DEFF helped. and i still use it off and on with test as it helps alot with pain BUT this is only temporary as when i stop a few monthe later the pains the same.
but GOD i love deca will be using it this fall again on bulker but its SOO SOO hard not to use tren :-P ... ill use thta for the second half of my 24 wker maybe :-) (im on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) i dont rec 24 wkrs))
but i just startd my FIRST run with IGF-1LR3 at 50mcg ed for 6 weeks, im commign to my second week now.
nothign majore to repot yet. but i hope it will help with soem of my back issues and help heal them a bit maybe.

ps. you might NOT have nerv dammage you could have and probibbly do have is pinched nervs due to mucles and disks.
but i wish you luck.
id wait it out at leats a year man. and keep seeing doc.
I was in car accedent over 3 yrs ago it still hurts acually worse now then before with dissisiated diskes and buldging disks.
no never got hgh from doc but i got a couple runs of deca after the accedent with DEFF helped. and i still use it off and on with test as it helps alot with pain BUT this is only temporary as when i stop a few monthe later the pains the same.
but GOD i love deca will be using it this fall again on bulker but its SOO SOO hard not to use tren :-P ... ill use thta for the second half of my 24 wker maybe :-) (im on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) i dont rec 24 wkrs))
but i just startd my FIRST run with IGF-1LR3 at 50mcg ed for 6 weeks, im commign to my second week now.
nothign majore to repot yet. but i hope it will help with soem of my back issues and help heal them a bit maybe.

ps. you might NOT have nerv dammage you could have and probibbly do have is pinched nervs due to mucles and disks.
but i wish you luck.
id wait it out at leats a year man. and keep seeing doc.

im am hoping it is just pinched nerves still. very well could be. i am curious and yet very nervous for my next apt. with Doc. Trust me I totally understand its only been 2 1/2 months and it takes time for these things to heal.

I have nothing but time to sit and read up on things. In a way im kind of glad it happened as it has finally kicked me in the ass to get me back in school and try to change my field of work.

On a side note juicy, PLEASE keep me posted on how your experience is going. I to ran a low test and deca & Anavar (var) cycle last year to help with my shoulder issues. The combination of this and time it slowly went away.
My physical therapist called today to check up on me and i asked him what his opinion was on the cortisone or other injections and he basically told me
"the disk's will NEVER go back to normal but the injections MAY help take inflammation down releasing pressure on the nerves and allow increase in muscle function in my calf and hamstring."
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I had 3 cortizone shots done when I hurt my back and they helped a lot. Epidurals I believe are what they were. Good stuff

I'm fine now. If you get the pinch on the nerve it may heal on it's own.
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come to think of it something about an epidural injections were mentioned.
Someone brought up a good point the other day. We had got to talking about this issue and i mentioned that alot of what i read is NEGATIVE to what i would like to hear, lol.

He had kind of made a simple but very logical theory, who actually goes and posts all over the net that their Cortisone shots, or other injections, or even a surgery worked? No they do one of them and boom stop posting because they have no more need to investigate things online. the only ones you see is the ones that didnt work and people still investigating other means.
DUH...... lol WTF why didnt i look at it that way.

Thanks for your personal experience Dread.
That is exactly want to see.
Only reason i ask about the igf-1 and if it had the capability to heal some nerve damage was "in case" this turns out to be the problem. I want to gather opinions and experiences and research the issue.
My recommendation to you is to loose 10 pounds, make sure your Blood pressure is in the healthy range then do the Epidurals. Make sure you be careful to watch your eating and water intake after the treatments.
I have no personal experience with peptides or whatnot, but I am running deca in my next cycle (starting soon) and hoping to see some pain relief. I injured my back about 4 months ago and at first I thought it was a minor strain, then boom sciatica kicked in. At first it was my whole leg, then it was my just my upper half, then it migrated to lower half..and now it's isolated to my ankle/soleus when i stand for 10-15+ mins. I've been taking NSAID's as needed but trying to not take too much. I'm going to school for my doctorate in physical therapy, so I do my own stretches (probably not enough) and it helps a little but not much. I have no insurance so I havent bothered getting an MRI. I have a strong suspicion it's a bulging disc as I can feel major tightness in my piriformis and hammies which as a result are putting pressure on the sciatic. I'm only 23, so I'm definitely too young for this shit!!!

ANYHOW, I'm hoping to see some sort of relief with the deca in my next cycle. We'll see!!